Name - |OG|Papi or PapiSwifty
STEAM-ID - STEAM_0:0:92634370
Admins name - Jack Silver (Tyler Durdern)
Reason - The reason for my ban was unfortunately hacking a big mistake i shouldn't have made.
Server - Zarp DarkRP both Zarp1 and Zarp2 server.
Time - Im almost positive the ban was permanent and i have been banned for a few months now maybe 5 months or less.
Story - Im gonna be completely honest and say I wasnt doing anything all i did was make an f1 and he confronted me that i was hacking but all i was honestly using it for was the bhop script that was on it. But i hadnt done anything for him to even know i was hacking.
Proof - N/A
Extra information - Morgan says I need to regain my trust within the community. I would love to regain trust and be friends with everyone i have matured about the situation and realized it was idiotic. I have an idea in regaining trust and that is to un-ban me and see how things go as far as anything. That is just a suggestion but it would be very nice to regain trust i would love that i just dont know how i would od that other than being unbanned and proving it that way. I do not enjoy hacking since the result is being banned. Sorry if im sounding repetitive but as you know ive waited a very long time to make a ban appeal and im am very much sorry for having hacks again.