Staff Member(s) Name: |Saaaaarah|
Staff Member(s) SteamID: STEAM_0:1:37708084
What did the Staff Member(s) do?:
I was in my base and i looked to the chat and saw someone say that Sarrrah won a prize. No one had that name so i did /rpname Sarrrah and asked what I won as a joke. Saaaaaaarah then tped to me, froze me, checked out my base for a little bit, and then I asked what she did that for and she waited like 40 seconds and said "i suggest you change your name". I then changed it back and she left me frozen for another minute and warned me for impersonation. I wasn't even close to impersonating her and quite honestly that is a little bull. You don't really have to warn her or anything but I would like to have the warning removed.
new stuff- So just having that name isn't impersonation, is it? Before the last thread was locked I saw that Saaaaarah said that I was replying to everyone in OOC, and that I was impersonating her. I actually screenshotted the logs, which actually only took 2 screenshots, and It shows I did not reply to anyone in OOC but 1 person, and I never claimed to be a mod, nor did I claim to be Saaaaaarah.
new evidence -
shows me changing name, asking what i won, being frozen, AND changing my name back
shows me being warned for impersonation.
What server(s) was this on?: ZARP DARKRP 1
Other- IMO, Sarrrah and | Saaaaarah | are not even close. I only had that name for 2-3 minutes and it was purely as a joke. I didn't find a spot in the forums to appeal a warning so I guess you could count this as one as well. Thanks!