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I got banned for prop blocking a door without any warning. A couch fell down into a doorway then KABOOSH! MOTHA-TRUCKA I got banned like an autistic lemur at the zoo. I was banned by BrotherMorganofFreemans
Last Edit: 10 years 5 months ago by Daxsy. Reason: bcos i still cant believe its not butter
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Please use this layout:
zarpgaming.com/index.php/forum/5-appeals...-ban-appeal-template The topic should be posted under appeals, not Moderator Applications. Wait for a moderator to move it, don't make a new topic. |
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Daxsy, you're a major server troll. I banned you because you had multiple areas prop blocked with couches.
Also, you need to supply proof that I actually banned you, and use the correct template. Some people might take offense to your "autistic lemur" comment, so please keep your posts following the TOU. Make a new Appeal in the Appeals section , with the correct template. LOCKED & DENIED. |
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