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I would like to be unbanned off 1 ZARP DarkRP as I believe I wrongfully banned as It states on the attempted join menu,
You are BANNED from our server! *=Ban Information=* BANNED by Christopher (STEAM_0:41106947) With Reason : FailRP BAN Time left 1401286833 [ Which I can only assume is a Perma ] I would like to be unbanned as all I did was battering ram a medics car give him a dangerous driving fine and apparently he was already cautioned for such acts so i seized his car and was on my way to the PD which is when I was instantly Permenently banned for FailRP no conversation, No warning, No explanation Please help me. |
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You were banned on DarkRP 1 as you battering rammed a cop out of his car randomly whilst it was stationary, and drove off in it.
It wasn't permanent. Locked. |
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