Login to ZARP
Name - Billenwiller
STEAM-ID - Fapzalver Admins name - I don't know, I only came back to a message saying I was banned. Reason - Prop blocking Server - DarkRP zarp server Story - I wanted to eat dinner so I positioned my character in a tight bathroom away from harm and left. The bathroom was so tight that someone probably wanted to get in and couldn't open the door. Proof - I was away for most of the time. Extra information - What server did you get banned on? - Dark RP server that you guys host How long, was it a permanent ban? - I was banned for 1440 minutes. What date and time did this happend? - Oktober 5th between 19:00-20:00 Any witness? - Djoekert who I was having a skype call with can confirm that I was away. I hope this gets resolved as soon as possible since I quite liked playing on your server . |
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[font=courier:8fafcyys]I came to you, you were inactive and had propblock - but you had stuff growing. Keypads always come first.
You can wait the one day as a lesson. [size=360:8fafcyys]DENIED.[/size][/font:8fafcyys] |
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