Login to ZARP
Name - What is your ingame name?: [Dirty] Dez
STEAM-ID - What is your STEAM-ID?:samd123 Admins name - Who banned you/who might it be?: Im Not Quite Sure Reason - What is/might be the reason that you got banned?: There was no reason. Server - What server did you get banned from?: Zarp DarkRP Story - What happend?: I logged off to sleep and the next day i logged into zarp and i was banned Proof - Any proof on a video/screenshot that clearly show what heppend?: http://gyazo.com/d07dafa8a357b332f782891e2ba91f2e Extra information - What server did you get banned on? How long, was it was perma? What date and time did this happend? Any witness?: I was banned on Zarp DarkRP [Dirty] Smith is my witness because i was talking to him at the time this happened |
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If you were banned, there must have been a reason.
Can you think of anything you did? And that is not your steamid. http://steamidfinder.com/ Edit: Found your ban information. The ban simply said 'appeal on the forums' and was by Bobai. He must respond with why he banned you. |
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