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TOPIC: [SSRP] Ban appeal/enquiry?

[SSRP] Ban appeal/enquiry? 2 months 3 weeks ago #1427890

Name - What is your in-game name?
STEAM-ID - What is your STEAM-ID?


Admins Name - Who banned you/who might it be?

Reason - What is/might be the reason that you got banned?
Mr. Richard wrote:
STEAM_0:0:103525757 punished by Richard Wright (STEAM_0:0:79280795). Updated Ban on 01/05/2019 - 19:54:47 for permanent with reason Scamming

Server - What server did you get banned from?
Time - How long were you banned for?
Story - What happened?

I’m not entirely sure if an unban is even possible due to the circumstances I was banned under almost 6 years ago hence the reason I’m posting this as more of an enquiry instead of an appeal.

My main question is that apparently the majority of the people I owed money to no longer play to the best of my knowledge so if I was to have a successful appeal and a way to payback the money I owe how would I go about it?

Obviously with the amount of money/items owed it would more than likely have to be me selling booster packs to gain the money which would be the easiest and more than likely the only way to resolve the debts but where would the money/items go if the players don’t play within the community anymore?

Thank you
  • Mytic
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[SSRP] Ban appeal/enquiry? 2 months 3 weeks ago #1427891

sinz said he would pay for you
  • yisyas
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[SSRP] Ban appeal/enquiry? 2 months 3 weeks ago #1427892

yisyas wrote:
sinz said he would pay for you
Sweet I knew sinz loved me this whole time
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[SSRP] Ban appeal/enquiry? 2 months 3 weeks ago #1427893

  • Faithful
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[SSRP] Ban appeal/enquiry? 2 months 2 weeks ago #1427898

Ight so here's the situation:

The debt amount is still pretty high, so your ban can't just be removed even if it's been 5 years, so I'm going to give you multiple options here

1: You contact every person on that scammed list and ask them if they forgive you, and if they do, make them contact me showing that they forgive you, and if everyone forgives, then you can be unbanned, but if not, then we can at least remove the people that forgave you from the amount you would have to pay back.

2: I'm gonna allow the option here to have someone else pay off your debt, although I doubt anyone's going to want to just casually blow 12bil+ just to get you unbanned, but I've been surprised before.

3: You use the forum's "Gift Booster Pack" feature and gift everyone that you scammed the appropriate value in boosters.

I personally haven't looked at what your current inventory on the live server is to see if you can pay back with just your own items, but judging by how you've spoken on your appeal, I'm sensing that you have fuck all. But if you do have a decent inventory, then we can just have you pay back in items which value would match the amount scammed.

So that's pretty much the situation and its up to you on which way you wanna go so whenever you make a decision on what you wanna do then feel free to appeal again.
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