Name: What is your Discord name? Kronen
Discord ID: What is your Discord ID)? 543749166979874828
Admin's Name: Who banned you/who might it be? Callum i think
Reason: What is/might be the reason that you got banned? Doxxing
Time: How long were you banned for? perma
Story: What happened? I was in the discord and i opened a file that was someones face and it then showed as the preview for my screen share so when i closed it it looked like it was still there. I restarted my screen share and deleted the picture when asked to however i was still banned
Proof: Any proof that clearly shows what happened. Yes but i cannot post on forums
Extra Information: Its been over a year since i was banned and im super very sorry i was being silly and doxxing is rly mean!
ItsDonny can only handle if he is going to accept it