name - What is your in-game name? BigNice245
STEAM-ID - 76561199164398906
Link to Steam Profile:
Admins Name - emil
Reason - recents + racism
Server - What server did you get banned from? SSRP | DarkRP
Time - 2 weeks it has been 10 days
Story - I was cfing my inventory and got really mad because i lost everything and i said a word i didnt mean to say and would never say it normally but i am really sorry i didnt target it at anyone and again i am really sorry and apoligise for this behaviour and will never do this again.
Proof - N/A
Extra Information - I have read the rules of the server and i am going to stop getting recents and i am going to try and get less angry causing me to get these recents. Also i am gonna stop breaking rules that get me warned like nlr, rdm and job abuse because this is why i am always getting banned. Again i am very sorry for breaking these rules and will not break them anymore
I am sorry for the community for rdming, nlring, job abusing or for the racism but i promise to not do i again and will try to become a better role model to the new zarp players.
Also i wanted to appoligise to the admins that i might have hurt or wasted there time with me breaking these rules but i just wanted to say i am sincerly sorry.