Name - What is your in-game name? nathan chiggers xviii
STEAM-ID - What is your STEAM-ID? STEAM_0:0:194364466
Link to Steam Profile: e.g.***/
Staff Members Name - Who warned you? clarky
Punishment Reason - What was the reason of the punishment(s)? job abuse (setting an alt as casinio)
Server - Which server did this occur on? ssrp
Story/Situation - What happened? one of my alts was casino security when i was afk
Extra Information - Anything you would find relevant to your punishments(s)? Only one of my alts was casino security out of ALL my accounts. I had no printers down, and I was AFK. If multiple accounts were cop/security, sure the warn would make sense, but my main was a citizen and all my alts were random jobs, excluding the one, meaning I wasn't using multiple accounts to bypass zone capture player limits, which I wasn't even doing (I was sleeping). If I had gone afk as FBI on my main account would this have not warranted a warn? I see people AFK as cop every single day, and my situation isn't any different.
TLDR I didn't have multiple accounts as FBI/casino security. Out of the 5 accounts I had on the server only 1 was Casino security, and I wasn't starting zone captures (I was in fact sleeping).