In-Game Name: coom (or Moss11, depends on which shows up)
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:439311935
Admins Name: Dusheke (idk if that's their actual name, but that's their in-game name)
Reason: I killed a bunch of people without warning or reason (RDM)
Time: 2 weeks (if i'm remembering correctly)
Story: Killed a bunch of people, got warned twice (it said twice on the HUD), though falsely I got told it was 3. I stopped doing it, then a player with the in-game name "crystori" proceeded to keep randomly killing me and spawn camping, while not receiving the same punishment. Since nothing was being done, I started retaliating, and then proceeded to get banned.
Proof: i wasn't recording at the time or clipping anything, I had either 2-3 total warns at the time of being banned though.
Extra Info: Not sure if it's relevant, but there was another player doing the same spawn killing routine called Beefnator, who also hadn't received appropriate warning or anything for it. Not that I am excusing myself, I commited RDM but yeah, just felt it was a bit unfair.