Schizophrenic Gun Owner wrote:
So is this from my ban or nafes? cause the ban from me "ran out" and its now onto nafes thing. Assuming that its moved onto nafe's side of things I shall handle. Someone feel free to correct me if im wrong here
Been informed since it was my ban in the first place I can not handle. I shall leave what I would have put on the previous unban appeal before it was locked!
My wishes came true too!
i shouldnt have treated grex how i did but even at points you are overplaying a lot of things like with raymins gmini you stated i tried to rip it when i shot him like 4 times with a regular mini2 which would do like 150 damage since he had armour and you claimed i was mocking him and belittling him to his face while it was really in discord and your missing the part where i told him over 10 times to leave the base and he just kept coming back and you were saying "if you want him in the base tell him to leave" seems like he didnt feel like leaving even after you told him to. of course im sorry for how he treated him but i think when you go into detail about the bad things i do or act like i did a lot more than what really happened you also need to put detail on what context it was really in. you state i was bullying him which isnt true i never insulted him to his face and only killed him and kept telling him to leave and he kept coming back over and over its really hard to be polite about it when they wont listen no matter what