Name - What is your in-game name?
STEAM-ID - What is your STEAM-ID?
Staff Members Name - Who warned you?
Punishment Reason - What was the reason of the punishment(s)?
STEAM_0:0:3818233 punished by Evilstewie#Nerve4SA (STEAM_0:1:84015634). Voice Muted on 03/11/2021 - 16:03:54 for for 5 minutes Reason: Mic spam
Server - Which server did this occur on?
Story/Situation - What happened?
I was checking the collectables spawn to farm gems and came across a place where it was spawning a lot. I checked and there was someone basing and there was a prop in front of the door. , then nafe kills me because he thought I wanted to raid while I said orally that it was to check the collectable spawn and also the props block person then saw that evil told me he wanted to solve this and that moreover he said "bad lad" 3 times to show that he did not listen to me and did not pay attention to what I said, I said in the chat that I did not want the raid but I wanted the collector's item that was there because evil didn't understand that and said I wanted the raid etc plus I calmly repeated the facts so that "evil" understood, but he mutated me ? whereas I just said twice in different ways no in a row because I said orally then wrote in the chat then finally ended up speaking
Extra Information - Anything you would find relevant to your punishments(s)?
Also this is not a reason to mute for mic spam, the only reason is when you play music or put a soundboard or yell into your mic to piss off the world, but not to just say twice the same thing which is said to be different for a long time.
because in this fact I just use my microphone to say what it is to pass even a second time because it was necessary with EVIl who spam the chat by saying bad lad and to say that I mic spam while I was telling the facts for the first time