Name: What is your Discord name?
Discord ID: What is your Discord ID)?
Admin's Name: Who banned you/who might it be?
i was originally muted for ableism because i called alit a retard after 10 minutes i was later banned for mass
Reason: What is/might be the reason that you got banned?
i talked to richard on ts about my ban and he told me ross banned me because i had a really big punishment rapsheet on discord
Time: How long were you banned for?
perm or 3 days i think
Story: What happened?
so i was talking to alit on the discord and i called him a retard i was muted by callum for 1 hour
Proof: Any proof that clearly shows what happened.
Extra Information: Any thing you think may be relevant to your ban.
i geinuley believe my mute and ban is false because I've seen multiple people call people retard on the discord and they have never got in trouble i think in my own personal opinion is that rule is only being enforced on me
(Staff calling somebody a retard)
(Alit doesnt care that i called him a retard