Denis wrote:
Capone asked me to rewrite this for him due to some people not being able to understand him so here it is:
We were in the capture zone and Mix3rz was raiding, we killed him. He then came back using a GEDF and went into the tunnel leading to the capture zone so I shot him which led to him teleporting to me, freezing me in the middle of the capture zone (during the zone capture) which ruined my experience. He claimed that it was RDM, called me an idiot and spoke to me in a disrespectful manner. He then warned me for "Lying to staff" (not RDM) claiming that he was not actually in the tunnel. I feel like he is targetting me because my previous warning (which I appealed) was also from Mix3rz and it was decided that the warning was false as my appeal was accepted.
You're a true friend, and yes this is basically a bullshit reasoning and definetly needs
to be renamed to "RDM" instead of "Lying to staff", incase this is indeed true.