LegendsNeverDie wrote:
Kyber wrote:
I can’t believe you used xD, you should have been executed rather than demoted.
Fr tho, elaborate on how you misused commands so we can actually see if it was warranted?
Main Reasons: Banned myself for 1 min to see if it works and i sucked at aiming(Reason: I suck at aiming), have been officialy warned by ghosting but that was 26.th of September.
Yeah basically that.
4 weeks ago officially warned, I’m sure they’re not considered to be actually a reason to demote someone after such a long period of time, however it’s the LT’s judgement. I know that ghosting is a serious punishment and people have been demoted for it, but maybe a second official may have been a better call here, and a demotion if it recurred.