Narexa wrote:
There was a nuke going on for a while and it ended but I didn't realise as I was tabbed out for a little bit when it had ended, so I returned without looking really and then realised that the nuke had ended so Jack decided to warn me as I was running out of the area? (Keep in mind I didn't arrest or interact with anything and was leaving before he warned me)
Even just returning to the district you were in with an active NLR timer is breaking the New Life Rule; you don't have to explicitly interact with something/someone in order to be breaking it:
2.3 New Life Rule - Do not return or interact with the district that you died in within three minutes of dying, unless otherwise specified by a different rule. If you died in the spawn district you should leave the district promptly without any role-play interaction.
Police jobs are allowed to break NLR at the Police District and when attempting to stop an active nuke/bank raid. Police jobs must not be killed unless they are making a clear attempt to raid.
This warn is fair to be honest.. I probably would've told you not to do it again provided you didn't have a history of breaking NLR but I don't see any burning reason(s) for it to be removed.