Ezehzz wrote:
Clarky wrote:
The fact that some of you guys think we demoted Ezehzz straight off the bat is unbelieveable, he's obviously caused enough trouble to get an official warning the other week and has not helped much from my perspective (keep in mind last week I was on SSRP for fucking hours) and has failed to prove himself worthy of remaining admin. It does not surprise me a demotion headed his way because from what I saw myself he did not do enough work for the staff team and yes, I had been trying to watch over both when he's doing F1s (which was rare of him to see doing during the time) and when he wasn't.
Did you even read my appeal? As I said, I don't handle as many f1s as I used to. I rather spectate and punish people because some people break rules secretly, therefore I don't deal with that many f1's. I'm actually disappointed how you say "he did not do enough work for the staff team" even though I always do that.
Maybe you should deal with some aswell? I mean.. Raeker handled F1's. You launched nukes everyday and was always roleplaying so I don't get how you watched me doing stuff. If you did, you would've seen me dealing with people all the time.
I'm pretty sure Raeker was pissed at you for secretly deleting punishments from your friends rapsheets and mass rdming spawn with m202's..? So don't tell me that I am doing bad things for the staff team.
Also, that official I got is from when I was trolling with another Super Admin and an Administrator, that SA was fine with it x)
Yes I read your appeal, biggest pile of BS I've read. You are REQUIRED to get your minimal F1's, this brings no excuse unless you have a inactivity reason which you didn't. No SA+ has vouched you've actually done outstanding work and have all seen you slack a lot and do not work as a team.
I should handle F1s? Yeah I handled over 40 F1's (double the amount required in case you didn't know that one) last week which were a shit ton of refunds which took a lot of time in each sit to investigate how much was lost, I'm a CM so I have a lot more important tasks to do while you're the one who should be doing F1's in which in this case, you didn't so there's the consequence of failing to do your job properly. I'm not even going to start with the whole mass rdm thing because all you ever do is whine when victory isn't in your hands over a nuke, feel free to punish/report whoever rdms the innocent people who are NOT partaking in the raid but do not put blame at me for other people's actions.
Yeah this proves you're incapable to have a staff rank also, messing around with your powers isn't helping the server as you claim.