Name - What is your in-game name? Assassin{G.E.W.P}
STEAM-ID - What is your STEAM-ID? STEAM_0:1:169859882
Staff Members Name - Who warned you? Seargent44
Punishment Reason - What was the reason of the warning(s)? RDM
Server - Which server did this occur on? TTT minecraft 24/7
Story/Situation - What happened? i was near the T room then i saw seargent looking around and started to enter the T room (i was hearing a lots of shooting but i didnt know he was shooting) he was half way inside the T room so i killed him he reported me and i replied that i dont remmber that i killed him (was in another report Because one T baiter killed a person ina tester without testing him so i killed him so i got killed by another innocent so the other innocent got killed too) he opened the chat i asked if he was the person i killed in the T room he replied yes i apologised and said that i saw you half (almost) inside the T room so i killed you he replied that he was shooting and i should have noticed it (yes he handeled his own report) then he warned me and aslayed me (i got slayed already so dont worry about it only warning left)
Extra Information - Anything you would find relevant to your warning(s)? In case if uou didnt notice his face was inside the T room so i couldn't tell if he was the one who is shooting i only saw him looking around him then half way inside the T room (like a normal innocent i thought he was a traitor entering a T room and killed him there)
note: Please let someone from the LeadTeam handle this
As i said before, this was just a simple mistake. From where you were standing you could've seen Seargy in the T room so you kill him. Even if it was just a little bit inside the room from your point of view it could've been different. Also, i think Evidence would really be helpful for this to be accepted.
Even if he did whats written in the picture, its still traitorous act. No one fucking knows why he is entering t room and they have the right to kill him. It clearly says that its t room and only t's should go there.
2.4 Baiting as a Traitor
When in-game you cannot commit traitorous acts as innocent/detective. For example, you cannot shoot nearby players to “scare” them, push people near or off ledges or do anything that possibly harms the innocent team.
Having spoken to Seargent and yourself in more detail about this situation I have come to the conclusion to Accept this appeal. Whilst Seargent might have been shooting someone he was far enough in the T room from your perspective to be looking like he was entering the T room which would be KOSable. I would just recommend to be a bit more careful and make sure that the person that is in/near the T room is actually going in etc.