KoiV5 wrote:
Right...No one MIC SPAMMED in the whole thing apart from the minge kid that said nibba then im BACKING up MY friend as you WARNED HIM for mic spam WHEN NO ONE EVEN HEARD IT SO DONT BS!
Koi, theking played music through his Microphone, i was told by ERROR_404 to deal with it, so i did, i gagged and warned him, you then all started proceeding by arguing the warning, i told you to stop and said if he wants it removed appeal it, you all kept arguing, i then gave you another chance to stop, and you didn't, so you got warned, you then proceed by saying "nibba" and got warned for loopholing racism, also, i'd like to see some evidence of him not micspamming through that 9 seconds he was playing music, you broke the rules, and got punished, if you also think that the "Not listening to staff, and continues arguing" is invalid, then show me that you weren't arguing, cause as said in your appeal, you did argue, now don't try and bullshit your way out.