DuckRevoe wrote:
Alright, i did talk over you but that was because i was already speaking, but i did read your chat messages, but as i said before all i saw the hobo do was spawn a random sphere in the grass, while he may have been trying to trap you but failed, and the first chair exploit you did was in spawn, you were spinning the chair about and hit some dude, you also said the n word while driving in your truck, also I'm pretty sure you were trying to kill people with the chair by having that dude in it then putting it on a car, race into spawn and stop really quickly so that the chair would fly off, you didn't kill anyone but seeing as how you did it like 4-7 times it seems your intentions were to kill someone with it.
The chair in the back of the car would never kill anyone, that exploit only works when using a physgun to propel the player, the racism was Evilstewie / Muhammad just saying it over and over again, not me, I don't tend to use my mic in the evening nor shout it, I killed one hit man who was a friend and that was when we decided to move out of spawn, our intentions with the car was just because we found it funny there was someone screaming "I've been kidnapped help" whilst flying around in a chair.
I've explained my intentions with that hobo in the original post, I tried explaining this to you in the admin sit but you wouldn't listen.