Asylum wrote:
Raeker wrote:
Asylum wrote:
Clarky wrote:
You have been staff for so long without doing enough F1's, this warning was well deserved and a slap across the face to actually do your job that you applied for.
If I'm being honest, this infection doesn't change a thing. I didn't really think I'd say this but the fires going out, I'm actually losing the faith in "the job I applied for" and I'm struggling to find the reasons why I should stay staff.
Sorry, I am not trying to attack you here or anything but I don't understand. If you don't want to be staff then why appeal an official warning?
Keeping a clean record, we don't want to see a shit staff member with a shit reputation, I WANT A LEGACY RAEKER, "OH LOOK ITS ASYLUM HE HELPED ME OUT QUITE A LOT WHEN HE WAS ADMIN"
"oh its asylum the guy who couldn't do his job properly he's shit."
Then why not resign with dignity instead of scraping the barrel? Unless you can hit 20 F1's this week this appeal will probably be denied and you might be quite possibly demoted. If you get an official then, well, it sucks a bit, but at least it isn't as horrible as it could be. If you want to leave with a legacy then work for it, don't try to be all like "Oh, I have reasons" and then "Oh and I also don't like to be staff anymore".
We all understand it if you feel the need to leave, especially in a situation like your own. And that's fine. If I'm fully honest, I'm surprised some staff hold it out for so long.