Name - What is your in-game name?
STEAM-ID - What is your STEAM-ID?
Staff Members Name - Who warned you?
Punishment Reason - What was the reason of the warning(s)?
NLR x3
Server - Which server did this occur on?
Story/Situation - What happened?
A while back, I was trying to escape from the airstriking and chaos at spawn. I left the district as I was getting spawn killed by airstrikes, but I had NLR in the other district.
Extra Information - Anything you would find relevant to your warning(s)?
Ashur told me that he would remove my warn for NLR x3 but keep my warn for psg ammo exploit. I felt this was fair, but upon asking Skeleton today what my recents were, he told me NLR x3 and psg ammo exploit. The NLR x3 was meant to be removed as I explained it to Ashur at the time and Ashur agreed. I wanted to speak to Ashur when I was with Skeleton but Ashur did not come and Skeleton told me that Ashur said (along the lines of) that Ashur doesn't want to come.
This was within 2 weeks but not very recent so as a lot happens on ZARP, perhaps Ashur forgot about it. I was just disappointed when I could not talk to Ashur to talk about it, as he is the person who I need to handle it.