Login to ZARP
Name - What is your in-game name? The Real Satan
STEAM-ID - What is your STEAM-ID? Staff Members Name - Who warned you? itzryzo Punishment Reason - What was the reason of the warning(s)? "Raiding the bank as officer" Server - Which server did this occur on? Server 1 Story/Situation - What happened? We walked into a base, at the time we had no indication it was a bank due to the lack of a "Bank" sign as well as there being no bankers inside (only Ryzo who was a shop owner) We were frozen as we were raiding where Ryzo told us they didn't need to be a sign because it says "Zarp Bank" outside the actual bank (next to the NPC) even though anyone can own the doors. There was no way for us to have know it was a bank. Extra Information - Anything you would find relevant to your warning(s)? |
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Ill get this looked into as requested.
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As has been stated by Pegasus on Rhys's appeal, this has been accepted.
I have talked to Ryzo and I have decided together with him that this appeal should be accepted. Even though he did tell you, you might not have heard so a verbal would have been appropriate. I will contact Onion for the removal of the warning right now, thanks for making this appeal!
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