Name - What is your ingame name?
STEAM-ID - What is your STEAM-ID?
Admins name - Who banned you/who might it be?
|Z|Sanchez_79 76561198178430222
Reason - What is/might be the reason that you got banned?
Warning Limit - Death Avoiding
Server - What server did you get banned from?
Time - How long were you banned for?
24 Hours
Story - What happend?
There where 3 players on deathrun me, Colmon and Sanchez, Colmon was death avoiding for a whole map ( ) when Sanchez was also on near to the end of the map change as it will show in the logs. However in the next map i said twice in voice chat whilst being a runner, which Sanchez was using aswell, that i had to go afk quick, i then return to Sanchez warning me for death avoiding despite the multiple times i gave her evidence of Colman doing exactly what i did but for longer ( ), yet she ignores that and bans me completely letting Colman off.
I would like to be unbanned and my warning removed as i feel that this is bias towards me as i wasn't staff like Colman so sanchez let him off and warned me, despite me doing less then him and explianing my quick break. Sanchez also tried to make it seem other wise, . Instead of handling this properly she started to get annoyed with me when i was just trying to sort the situation out, and then tried to get out by saying she wasnt on even thought the logs will prove she was on ! If this isnt enough evidence to remove my warnings i also have evidence of other staff members:
Windows - Always uses excuse "i was joining" even halfway through map
Bhavya - Been demoted multiple times for death avoiding
DeadlyBeast -
And Other players disrespecting.