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TOPIC: Sharg - Ban appeal

Sharg - Ban appeal 2 months 5 days ago #1428230

Name - What is your in-game name?
STEAM-ID - What is your STEAM-ID?
Link to Steam Profile: steamcommunity.com/id/7491jdakl/
Staff Members Name - Who warned you?
Punishment Reason - What was the reason of the punishment(s)?
Time -
Server - Which server did this occur on?
Story/Situation - What happened?
I got wind of an exploit by Crackrat that supposedly created an insane amount of gems in almost no time at all for basically free. Crackrat tried to protect me by not showing it to me, but eventually caved since I was incredibly greedy and angry at the time, constantly pressuring him over it. (I was angry at the server in general for a while since it ruined many relationships/friendships at the time because of items and money bullshit, was defo not thinking rationally)

I then used a macro that allowed me to place down the turret, pick it up and receive the ammo which could then be converted to gems since you'd get well over 4x the ammo you put in. I wanted to get enough money and items to support all my gang-mates or adjacent friends and make them "happy" again, since losing items on the server seems to had caused a lot of drama. However I defo got too greedy, as I let myself get caught what seems like multiple times and now I'm here. It ended up just making things worse between them, and now they are basically all divided, not talking to each other at all.

Extra Information -
I really wish I knew at the time how much this would affect others around me, and I really regret it. I have so many good memories being here, whether that just goofing off or trying my hardest to get #1 on the trash leaderboard lmao. I'm sure quite a bit has changed, and I'm also sure I'll never really be "trusted" or "forgiven". Especially considering I've heard that this caused quite the shitshow for the staff team I've heard, which I'm also sorry about -u-" dunno exactly how it went down but I'm sure it was not fun. But I hope that after 9 months as of this 28th of reflection and time to not be as shitty/greedy/annoying of a person that I could be considered at least. Thank you for reading my yap sesh.
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Sharg - Ban appeal 2 months 4 days ago #1428233


Faithful will be handling your appeal as we have to check with the CO's whether or not you were wiped before we lift your ban.
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Last Edit: 2 months 4 days ago by Mr. Richard.
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Sharg - Ban appeal 2 months 4 days ago #1428272

It's been long enough now that your ban can be removed now however, we take exploiting very seriously especially when it involves duping items, so your entire inventory/bank/shop has been wiped. Enjoy and make sure to reread the Server Rules and the Bug & Exploit Rewards Policy.

(FAdmin) Faithful (STEAM_0:0:457629497) Unbanned Sharg (STEAM_0:1:89558880) for the reason: Accepted Appeal (Inventory Wiped)

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