Server Name:
Semi-Serious Role Player
Suggestion Title:
EMP Grenade change / Portal
How would it benefit the server:
Bring back use of the EMP Grenade and slightly nerf the annoying portal ability
Potential Issues/Exploits:
Additional notes:
By allowing EMP Grenades to close portals placed by portal suit users, much like in splitgate, This would allow for more raiding/defence techniques to be used whenever a portal is in play.
Another change would be making EMP Grenades impact instead of timer based, this would also allow EMP grenades to become more useful since they are unused in the current state of the server.
Example of changes.
I firmly believe that with these changes the EMP Grenade will be used alot more often, removing it from the obsolete items group. Along with this, the portal suit will gain a needed counter, allowing for more varied combat.