Smol wrote:
maddox wrote:
Smol wrote:
I have no idea what happened with robs GACS because I didn’t even play then but from what I can tell it was a much worse bug because it basically made golden suits unusable, the grim on the other hand could easily have had the jump as an intended feature and at the time wasn’t even the most broken feature of the suit (insta swing was). It’s trivially easy to take off even regular suits to avoid dying a jumping grim, i.e don’t stand in the middle of a district surrounded by 10 cops who want to rip you on 1.5k hp.

It didn't make them unusable because the damage resistance wasn't much as the time. It's not a case of "could have" had the jump as an intended feature because it's not about "could haves" or what "could be". It's about what happened and how it was a bug and unintended feature. I can easily take off there no matter how many cops were there due to knowing not all 10 of them were going to gluon me, or mini 2 me at the exact same time. (Even if, I would have taken knockback and taken off the suit with ease.) 1.5k isn't even the hp you normally take a gjugg off at either. The only reason I didn't deequip instantly is because I didn't make the assumption that the grim would fly at me at almost instant speed, the second I had seen it. With the same logic you could say rob shouldn't have walked into a district where a nuke was being defended without defending himself or even trying to do anything that could have saved himself. (from the 3-6 defenders)
As well as your first sentence, doesn't the grim bug also make gsuits completely unusable and basically the exact same or worse? All gsuits during the moment were 1 tap then (meaning quicker to die than what had happened with rob's GACS.)
I would argue that even with the grim they were usable, most of the time people would nuke with a force field or just stay far enough back with esp to see it from a mile away, no resistance would make it on par with regular suits if you mean absolutely no resistance and so not worth the risk. For the other stuff you are right I suppose I was being a little bit ignorant, I still have my doubts they will refund you after so long and will probably just double down to make it seem like they didn’t make a mistake let’s be honest