Jusu. wrote:
JoshuaIsGreat wrote:
Jusu. wrote:
JoshuaIsGreat wrote:
Hey, I believe this man was a litol bit confused on how this suiting work.

zarp will grant you a new suit if allah thinks you deserve it

wrong + nice suit (respectfully)
its dead and gone and dead and gone and dead and gone and dead and gone and dead and gone and dead and gone and dead and gone and dead and gone and dead and gone and dead and gone and dead and gone and dead and gone and dead and gone and dead and gone and dead and gone and dead and gone and dead and gone and dead and gone and dead and gone and dead and gone and dead and gone and dead and gone and dead and gone and dead and gone and you daft cunt (respectfully)

(I was paid to do this)
Free this young man who was put down by another young man who used a gencorp technologies trademark gluon (gloun gun) to rip this young man while another young man's mouse (mine) was frozen because the battery was dead. and then zarp and then i was so sad and we cried together and now he really wants his suit back because he zarp and then the zarp