[SSRP] Refund Request - Hiro
3 years 11 months ago #1326390
Item: Jet SuitSteam Name: Hiro
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:501418211
Server: SSRP Server 1
Date/Time of Incident:
Unsure, It was about a week ago, I just got the clip from CEO yesterday because he had them on a different device. You could probably search this up in the logs though if its necassary, the evidence should be enough.
[ZARP] covid (STEAM_0:1:501418211) was killed by CEO of Business (STEAM_0:1:161367825) with a weapon_scythe in the Bank District
Item(s) Lost: Jet Suit
I was running behind CEO of Business and his grim reaper killed my Jet because its reach is broken
Additional Info:
There has been refund request for this before that were accepted, now I know not to go behind grim reapers though...