SSRP S3-Refund request
4 years 18 hours ago #1320923
Steam Name:jpmanreames2003 Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:556856274 Server:SSRP server 3
Date/Time of Incident:8:01 Central standard time Item(s) Lost:Mini2
Story: So i called in one of my vehicles and drove it around but after i got bored i wanted to get rid of it so i tried shooting it with my mini2 and destroying it but the IMMEADIATE moment i shot my mini2 at the vehicle it crashed my game, this has happened once before but it was when i shot at my hoverboard
Additional Info: i was withh poof and someone else i cant remember but they didnt see it besides poof but he is not online right now
SSRP S3-Refund request
3 years 11 months ago #1323314
After looking into the logs, it appears that "Steam auth ticket has been canceled". Unfortunately we cannot refund for this situation due to it not being a server sided issue. If you timed out of the server, the server would've given it back to you!
Line 121914: Sat Mar 13 01:59:31 2021 Gamerblamer (STEAM_0:0:556856274) equipped a weapon_minigun2
Line 121923: Sat Mar 13 01:59:37 2021 jpmanreames2003 (STEAM_0:0:556856274) disconnected (Client left game (Steam auth ticket has been canceled)
Line 121925: Sat Mar 13 01:59:37 2021 jpmanreames2003 (STEAM_0:0:556856274) disconnected