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Steam Name: Mr. Krabs
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:153005084 Server: s1 Date/Time of Incident: 1/31/2021 12:51AM GMT Item(s) Lost: Evil Printer, 3x Printer Booster Story: changed graphics and got disconnected from Zarp's server, any chance I'm able to get refunded? btw im printing in gencorp ontop of a building got there with my jetsuit not printing out of map. Proof?: streamable.com/q3ap7i (Proof of disconnection) steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2379667680 (Proof of Printers) |
Dexter {framepic=URL of Image}Text Within Frame{/framepic}
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Due to the fact that this is not a server-side issue, you cannot get refunded with spawned in items.
The only way you can get refunded for these types of situations is if someone is feeling nice enough to give you a refund (I am ![]() Find me in game for a refund later! |
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The following user(s) said Thank You: alit
Hiro what an amazing lad,
Also dude for future reference you aren't allowed to print in the Gencorp Area as you have to use suits to get in to it and what if someone doesn't have a suit. |
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Unfortunately we cannot refund you for this as its not a server-sided issues also, you aren't allowed to print up there by the SSRP Server rules, so please refrain from doing so in the future.
4.11 Entities - Do not store entities in inaccessible areas of the map. This includes storing entities inside world props. Entities placed outside of a building must not be vertically further from the ground than a plate1x8.mdl placed vertically. This excludes areas that are accessible through an existing building, ladder or a staircase. No entities are allowed in the GenCorp construction areas! ![]() |
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