[SSRP S3] Refund Request - Gamerblamer
4 years 2 months ago #1299485
Steam Name: Voice_changer_my_dude
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:556856274
Server: SSRP Server 3
Date/Time of Incident: 12/22/2020 - approximately 11:56
Item(s) Lost: Master sword
Story: I went afk to go talk to my dad about Christmas and while i was gone SWORD and Braindead and some other friends, prop push me all the way to the rich district and into their base. Right as i got back they were spamming props so i couldnt get out and when i tped to one of them who were in the base they deleted all the props. i called them out for it and i had my master sword on me, then they decided to kill me for being in their base even though they brought me in their
Evidence: i dont have proof because after they killed me i rage quit and rejoined to confront them again
Additional Info: They always do this whenever im alone and once a admin or another moderator is on they stop and act like nothing happened