Date/Time of Incident: 09/07/2020 At Around 10:25 GMT+3 Item(s) Lost: Minigun 2.0
Story: So i just bought a minigun 2.0 and then i used it a couple of times then holstered it, Then i get killed but when i look in my inventory the minigun 2.0 isn't there Evidence:
⍟ Former Retard of The Century Award Holder (The award is currently held by Sinz)⍟
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[SSRP] HoodDroid's Refund Request
4 years 8 months ago #1251698
After checking the server logs we have seen that you equipped the mini2 and then you were killed right after by Micky, therefore you lost it. Unfortunately you will not be refunded for this item!
Thu Jul 9 20:27:53 2020 HoodDroid (STEAM_0:1:174062324) equipped a weapon_minigun2
Thu Jul 9 20:27:53 2020 HoodDroid (STEAM_0:1:174062324) was killed by Micky (STEAM_0:0:87317125) with a m9k_mp9 in the Crack House District