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Steam Name: Humphery Nutsack
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:194342189 Server: SSRP 3 Date/Time of Incident: Today, about maybe an hour ago Item(s) Lost: 3 Egg Printers, 2 3x boosters Story: My gmod crashed due to a lot of people basing and when I tried to restart my game the newest update froze causing me to not make it Evidence: The logs will show ![]() Additional Info: I just wanted to base ![]() ps: please extend the printer despawn timer please god please |
I sometimes question your staffing ability for example: When in game your were shouting "jugger". I asked you what it meant and you said it is a Canadian word for the n-word If you want staff again you really need to get your act together.
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Hello Kato,
Unfortunately we don't refund for client-sided issues. Since you didn't reconnect within the 5 minute timer you will not be refunded. ![]() |
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