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Steam Name: ded
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:222313824 Server: ssrp 1 Date/Time of Incident: 6/10/24 Item(s) Lost: 1x betrayal, 1x frostbite, 1x pumpkin printer Story: Shapeshifted into a printer suit, placed my printers. Then later banked my printer suit and it unequipped my shapeshift thus blowing up all my prints. medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/i2NBKnMo...xzWlIsMTM1OTExNzU1LA |
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Ui glitched out for me, Please switch to correct discussion board. My apologies.
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Avoid banking suits while shapeshifted until a fix can be implemented. Contact a Community Owner ingame for your refund |
Last Edit: 6 months 3 weeks ago by Chuteuk.
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