For deathrun. Other server guidelines may be coming.
Keep in mind, this is a general guide for the commands you'll be using. Not the ones that are not very useful and are rarely used.
Red text = Important / Any other color = Useful
Chat: (available to mods +)
ulx mute: This command mutes the selected user for the rest of the map. (Mute = prevents player from typing in chat) You use this command when a player disrespects and spams. You may also use this command in diverse situations from these, make sure you are not doing the wrong thing by checking in with a LT member if available.
ulx gag: This command gags the selected user for the rest of the map. (Gag = prevents player from speaking through their microphone) You use this command when a player disrespects and spams in the microphone instead. Like above, you may use this command in diverse situations, but make sure you are not doing the wrong thing by checking in with a LT member if available.
ulx tmute: This command mutes the selected user for a set amount of time set by the person giving the punishment. (tmute = mutes player for time) For example, I can mute a player for 60 minutes. Keep in mind: This command will not mute someone for over a map. You will rarely use this command. Still keep it in mind however. The rules of this command are the same as the ulx mute command.
ulx tgag: This command gags the selected user for a set amount of time set by the person giving the punishment. (tgag = gags player for time) For example, I can gag a player for 120 minutes. Keep in mind that the gag cannot go over one map. You will rarely use this command. Still keep it in mind however. The rules of this command are the same as the ulx gag command.
ulx amute: This command mutes the selected user so they cannot type in admin chat (@test). (amute = admin-chat mutes player) You use this command when a player starts spamming, disrespecting and what not in admin chat.
ulx asay: This command sends a message to all the connected admins to the server. (asay = sends message to admins) Use this command when you need to communicate with admins when you have a problem or seen someone rulebreak, etc.
ulx csay: This command sends a message to everyone in the middle of their screens. (csay = send message to all) You use this command when you need to broadcast an Important message, or just for memes. :c
ulx tsay: This command sends a message to everyone in their chatbox. (tsay = sends message to all) You use this command when you need to broadcast an Important message, or just for memes. :c
--SA+ Only--
ulx gimp: This command gimps the selected player so they cannot send a normal message. (gimp = makes player say something else) You..don't really need to use this command unless its for memes or maybe dealing with a disrespecter.
Utility: (availabile to mods+)
--Admin+ Only--
ulx ban: This command bans the selected player for a set amount of time [Don't forget to put the reason!] (ban = prevents player from joining server) You use this command when a player is mass-rulebreaking, hacking, threatening the server with ddos or death-threats and in diverse situations. Make sure to check in with a LT member to make sure you are doing the right thing.
--Admin+ Only--
ulx banid: This command bans the selected player for a set amount of time [Don't forget to put the reason!] (banid = prevents player from joining server) You use this command when a player has LTAP'ed or needs to be banned and is offline. Simply get their STEAMID and ban them that way.
ulx kick: This command kicks the selected player from the server. [Don't forget to put the reason!] (kick = forcefully makes player leave. Can rejoin.) You use this command when someone has a garry's mod community in their link (except for ZARP ofc, also don't forget to give verbal warnings.) or straight advertises anything non-ZARP related, when a player rule-breaks more than once. (this is personal preference. I kick people after they break two rules after a verbal and a warn.)
--SA+ Only--
ulx noclip: This command gives noclip to the selected player. (noclip = allows you to pass through anything.) You use this command when you are stuck and NOT supposed to be dead or when you need to observe something whilst you are still alive. It's recommended to not use this command, as the spectate mode does the same thing but the only difference is that you are not alive.
ulx spectate: This command forces you to spectate to the selected player. (spectate = watch over players) You use this command when you think or someone tells you that someone is rule-breaking. For example, there might be a trap-spammer, but you don't know completely as it looks like each press was delayed. Then you can determine if they were trap-spamming or not, etc.
--Admin+ Only--
ulx unban: This command unbans the selected player using their steamid. (unban = unbans player using steamid) You use this command when an appeal for a ban has been accepted, when a ban was mistakenly given and perhaps if you forgot to edit someones ban and they were supposed to be unbanned by now. Make sure you are doing the right thing by checking in with a LT member if available.
Fun: (available to mods+)
--HA+ Only--
ulx blind: This command blinds the selected player. (blind = change player's brightness)
You use this command..never? [Blind command: 0 to 255 {255 is completely white screen}]
--HA+ Only--
ulx god: This command gives godmode to the selected player. (god = makes player invincible) You use this command...not. It's very uncommon to use this command as there is not much use for it. Perhaps for testing purposes.
--SA+ Only--
ulx whip: This command whips the selected player once or multiple times and may deal damage or not. (whip = hits player, making them fly and deal damage if wanted.) You use this command for memes. Like evouqe's mega-spank.
ulx slay: This commands slays the selected player. (slay = kill player) You use this command when a player is trap-spamming, trap-blocking, trap-reactivating and if they are stuck and supposed to be dead (you can also use fspec to do this, its personal preference and I recommend fspec.)
--SA+ Only--
ulx freeze: This command freezes the player. (freeze = stops player from moving) You use this command instead of slay if wanted too.
Teleport: (available to mods+)
ulx bring: This command brings the selected player to your location. (bring = player teleport to you) You use this command when a player is stuck and NOT supposed to be dead.
ulx goto: This command makes you teleport to the selected player. (goto = send you to player) You use this command when someone says they have found a bug, if they are stuck and other diverse situations.
--SA+ Only--
ulx return: This command returns a player to the location they were previously at before the teleport. (return = return player to place before teleport) You use this command when you accidentally teleport a wrong player.
ulx send: This command sends a selected player to another. (send = player1 go to player2)
You use this command when your lazy and can't be bothered to use the bring/teleport command and if a death is not in the deathroom, you may use this command to send them to another death.
ulx teleport: This command is the most important of all the teleport commands. It will teleport the selected player to where your cursor is. Example: if your aiming at the sky, the selected player will go to oblivion or the skybox and most likely die, so do aim at the ground when you do this. (teleport = send player to aimed cursor) You use this command when a player is stuck and NOT supposed to be dead, or if a death is not in the death-room.
Deathrun: (available to mods+)
ulx fspec: Probably one of the most used and useful commands in deathrun. It forcefully spectates the selected player (fspec = spectate player) It is used when a player is AFK as death or runner for more than 2-3 rounds (personal preference [Head's up to everyone: if your going afk on deathrun, press f2 or f3 to spectate yourself!]) and when someone is stuck and IS SUPPOSED to be dead. You can also use slay for this (personal preference).
ulx unspec: This command forcefully unspectate's the selected player. (unspec = unspectate's player) You use this command when are no longer afk, when a player is no longer afk, after fspecing someone when they were stuck and SUPPOSED to be dead.
--Admin+ Only--
ulx spawn: This command spawn's the selected player. (spawn = revive player) You use this command when a death dies from a trap or an unknown reason, or if a player bugs out at the start of a map and dies as soon as the round starts for example.
Voting (Admin-only+):
ulx vote: This command creates a vote for all players to give an opinion. (vote = make vote) You can create different options to vote for and give the vote a title. You use this command in a debate or memes. It's mostly for memes.
ulx stopvote: This command stops a vote. (stopvote = gets rid of current vote)
Not verified yet. If you think I should add any commands or new sectors please comment down below and tell me what you think of this.
special thanks to: sorle, polsee and alex