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TOPIC: @Deathrun staff

@Deathrun staff 3 years 11 months ago #1327646

First of all, it would be nice you wouldn't deny appeals without listening the user who is appealing. As i said in the comments of my appeal that i will upload another video proof so basically you shouldn't just go straight up denying the appeal. But i am just a user after all so why should you care? Anyhow i would like to open up of my warn here rather than making any more appeals.

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Just saying that this is not "actively delaying the round by barely moving when the rest of the runners have died". That was maybe 1 case where we all ended up dying. Please do not make things up thanks!
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So yeah Rule did explain several times that no bhop = delaying. As shown in the video, 12 minutes of this called "delaying" and you are not saying a single word. Tell me why it took you over than 12 minutes to warn 1 person out of 4 who was casually walking the map? Not a single word that we were slowing down the team at all or that we were delaying. As Red said in his Denial that we were "barely moving". Holding alt while running = walking, let go of alt = running. I think you guys have the image of beating map in 20 sec is normal speed which is obviously wrong. Walking is part of the game, there is a reason why the time limit for the rounds are so massive and most maps are meant to walk/run, not to bhop sorry to reveal the truth. Now back to the main thing, Why was i warned? I have all the evidence here that shows it was clearly not delaying and if you are still insisting on saying that then the issue really is in your image of normal paced deathrun.

Then overall (Some of the things isn't necessarily for the whole staff team):
I'm sure all of you are really nice people individually but on the server you are too much centered in the little circle you have, pushing users away (Those you are not interacting much with/who aren't your friends). The more i play on DR and the more i play there when staff is on, the more i feel being discriminated on. Just a little things, ignoring sometimes relatively important stuff, some calling out for no reason, small things from time to time starting to grow as an issue. Take a note, this part of the post is not to talk shit about the staff team or calling you trash, just once in a while take a look around you and think why we are playing games in the first place.
Just relax and don't try to force all the blame of the punisments on the users. Like a great mind once asked that "Why do we have to take these small punishments into forums when it could just be talked over" it isn't a bad thing to admit false punishments or simply that other one is wrong. But if your pride is preventing you from doing that, you still don't have to turn a cold shoulder for the user trying to talk it out and simply reply with "take it to the forums". It's impossible for users to have fun with the staff if the staff are being too strict and biased towards some. Accidentally skipping 2 traps without realizing, and oh you are already slayed for exploit. But that doesn't apply for the staff, just getting away with "oops, didn't even notice haha"

Painful to write about this stuff, would gladly keep this on on ts/discord but i guess i'm at wrong here
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@Deathrun staff 3 years 11 months ago #1327649

I'm not going to take you seriously until you change that loli-con profile picture.
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Last Edit: 3 years 11 months ago by Darling.
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@Deathrun staff 3 years 11 months ago #1327650

No way... you actually changed it.
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Last Edit: 3 years 11 months ago by Darling.
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@Deathrun staff 3 years 11 months ago #1327651

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@Deathrun staff 3 years 11 months ago #1327652

Darling wrote:
No way... you actually changed it.
Uh there is just no fitting image no matter what i pick, try to live with it :3
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@Deathrun staff 3 years 11 months ago #1327653

L3mon wrote:
Darling wrote:
No way... you actually changed it.
Uh there is just no fitting image no matter what i pick, try to live with it :3
While I will live with it. You see... I just can't take you seriously at all now.
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Last Edit: 3 years 11 months ago by Darling.
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@Deathrun staff 3 years 11 months ago #1327664

I mean that's what happens when a staff team is basically made from scratch. I was a fucking awful admin myself and the biggest reason for that was that i never received proper training for mod or admin because there were no lead team members to give it out. After that, deathrun steadily got more popular because the revine crew came back and suddenly there was another group of friends all playing deathrun and then after that it kept going. Everyone that played would talk to each other and that moved onto private teamspeak channels which inevitably meant that users would be alienated. Sadly, this hasn't gotten any better and the staff team is now essentially one big group of friends where everyone communicates with each other privately. Was fun to be in but must suck for someone who isn't a part of it. When people break rules, it gets talked about privately and that's where things like grudges form and now you have a state where people get verbally warned for swearing in chat because some staff members don't like being called that and take it personally rather than viewing it as nothing more than a message.

This is definitely not helped by all the random people who comment on the state of the staff team without even playing deathrun and definitely not knowing what's actually happened so the staff get painted in a bad light for stupid reasons. Now there are people in certain positions who are in over their heads and they're not doing great and the friendship group mentality means no-one gives them the proper criticism that would hurt them but cause them to grow as a staff member. Personally, i see the team improving with experience and there are definitely great staff members on it and if one thing's for sure, it's that the harsh abuse that the team gets is not helping at all and it makes you wonder why some people don't just go for a staff position themselves if they see such huge problems with the way the server's run.

It's great to point out the flaws that staff have so they can grow from it, but some people think it's funny to harass them instead and then call them trash (not at all saying this is what you're doing).
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@Deathrun staff 3 years 11 months ago #1327669

Nogtog wrote:
I mean that's what happens when a staff team is basically made from scratch. I was a fucking awful admin myself and the biggest reason for that was that i never received proper training for mod or admin because there were no lead team members to give it out. After that, deathrun steadily got more popular because the revine crew came back and suddenly there was another group of friends all playing deathrun and then after that it kept going. Everyone that played would talk to each other and that moved onto private teamspeak channels which inevitably meant that users would be alienated. Sadly, this hasn't gotten any better and the staff team is now essentially one big group of friends where everyone communicates with each other privately. Was fun to be in but must suck for someone who isn't a part of it. When people break rules, it gets talked about privately and that's where things like grudges form and now you have a state where people get verbally warned for swearing in chat because some staff members don't like being called that and take it personally rather than viewing it as nothing more than a message.
I mean, I don't see any problem with staff talking in teamspeak privately, we work with these people to help the server so its completely normal that we form friend groups among them. At the end of the day we are only human too

I don't really get why talking privately about punishments especially is an issue either since it will be discussed in admin chat anyways, which is of course, also private. Maybe I'm confused but we aren't going to just discuss a players punishment where they can see it lol. On the last thing you mentioned, if someone doesn't like being called something, they'll mention that to the user as a verbal, if they deliberately continue to do so to that specific person its obvious that they have some sort of malicious intent. They are not a victim in that case. I don't see how that has much to do with formed grudges

No disrespect to you love you Nog <3 Just kinda confused about the comment

In relation to the main topic, I might type something up later depending on the circumstances but I need to sleep right now so not bothered to do it now
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Last Edit: 3 years 11 months ago by Rule.
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The following user(s) said Thank You: MsRevine, Hellsdevil, Nogtog, Skippergroe, Sam.

@Deathrun staff 3 years 11 months ago #1327688

I would love a TL;DR, but I will just say that if you feel like your appeal wasn't rightfully handled, and you feel as if you need to speak to a higher up, feel free to do so. I wasn't on yesterday at that time, so I have no idea what happened. But if you want to add me on steam its MsRevine. Im pretty busy, but if you want to talk, I'll listen and try to sort out the situation.

Regardless, you can always speak to Deathrun lead team, or community managers.

Hope that your problem will be resolved!
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First Seen: Jun 24, 2016 1:50 AM
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@Deathrun staff 3 years 11 months ago #1327725

Imagine writing an essay just to be called out for having a loli con pfp :dry:
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@Deathrun staff 3 years 11 months ago #1327736

Nogtog wrote:
deathrun steadily got more popular because the revine crew came back

woah bro revines crew? My crew!!

Regardless I share the opinion of Rule on this, staff members talking to eachother in their own friendsgroup isn't really a problem. It's actually rather good as we train people to work as a team, and that's easier accomplished if you are familiar with the people you work with. I don't think it's impossible to involve yourself in these groups either as a user, seeing as it's something Seggs managed to pull off.

Ontop of that, if you need to speak with staff members privately you can do so by messaging them, or if you need a lead team member you can just contact one.

L3mon wrote:
Like a great mind once asked that "Why do we have to take these small punishments into forums when it could just be talked over"

This is rather simple. Arguing about punishments on the server, especially when there's generally two groups of people, the people supporting the punishment (staff) vs people not supporting it (the player & friends of the player) can be quite annoying to deal with especially if you're not involved whatsoever.

Arguing about it usually just escalates the situation and it makes worse which is why you're encouraged to take it to the forums. By taking it to the forums, even without proof it effectively deescalates the situation on the server and it will be much more civil and also easier to deal with. It's generally better to have the discussion on the forums if you actually want to accomplish anything.

Rule wrote:
I mean, I don't see any problem with staff talking in teamspeak privately, we work with these people to help the server so its completely normal that we form friend groups among them. At the end of the day we are only human too

This is true, however this also brings up another can of worms. I'm not calling people out but I've seen some staff members accepted for staff and promoted when they are no way near ready, which can only be explained by bias. I've seen it first hand and I'm not the only one to have noticed it. I've had conversations about it with some staff members and some users, which has supported my view that there's a bias problem amongst the close-knit staff team we have, which is detrimental for the staff team and the server as a whole.

jam wrote:
from what I've seen as an outsider it always looks like two different rules for staff and users which is directly related to the friend group nogtog was talking about, no offense to Stephen but when he said he wanted to kill himself whenever a certain user joined nothing happened to him but when a user swore in chat (to thier friend who said they didn't mind) they were muted and the appeal was denied

There is some truth to this, the group in particular seems to lack consistency with their punishments and they also seemingly punish for similiar things which they engage in themselves, such as talking massive shit to users behind their backs, and sometimes even doing them the honor of saying it straight to their face.

On one occasion I brought it up infront of the people doing this, they were constantly calling one user a bitch, a cunt and more and I was growing tired of seeing that behaviour from staff members, I called them out somewhat and I was accused of slander despite it literally happening one or two minutes before that, of course it kept happening as well. There were a lot of staff members in the channel, some even LT. No one bat an eye or said a word and I was seriously being called out for slander, I approached one or two users and the server owner after the event and they all pretty much backed me up. There is some serious bias within the staff team and some really lack the attitude a staff member should have. Ontop of all this, some staff members, especially one from what I've seen love to escalate situatiions which isn't good at all.

I can tell you right now that some users are being targetted and I saw it while I was Owner and I see it now as a user. If you want to know some users that have been continously targetted you can message me privately.

I don't doubt that anyone involved on either side of this is a good person, but ultimately I feel like there are some serious flaws.

MsRevine wrote:
I would love a TL;DR, but I will just say that if you feel like your appeal wasn't rightfully handled, and you feel as if you need to speak to a higher up, feel free to do so. I wasn't on yesterday at that time, so I have no idea what happened. But if you want to add me on steam its MsRevine. Im pretty busy, but if you want to talk, I'll listen and try to sort out the situation.

If you can't be bothered to even read the post I doubt you're the right person to handle it.

Also I don't mean to upset anyone or lay a beating on certain people, I'm just trying to say what I've experienced regarding all of this.
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Last Edit: 3 years 11 months ago by Hellsdevil.
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@Deathrun staff 3 years 11 months ago #1327737

Hellsdevil wrote:

On one occasion I brought it up infront of the people doing this, they were constantly calling one user a bitch, a cunt and more and I was growing tired of seeing that behaviour from staff members, I called them out somewhat and I was accused of slander despite it literally happening one or two minutes before that, of course it kept happening as well. There were a lot of staff members in the channel, some even LT. No one bat an eye or said a word and I was seriously being called out for slander, I approached one or two users and the server owner after the event and they all pretty much backed me up. There is some serious bias within the staff team and some really lack the attitude a staff member should have. Ontop of all this, some staff members, especially one from what I've seen love to escalate situatiions which isn't good at all.

Well we can all conclude thats about me. Its fairly simple, i've not been acting like a good user that follows the rules and i know that. But when you see multiple staff members get accepted like you said that aren't simply ready for a higher rank. It just makes you get annoyed because it makes you feel like you have no saying. They will only look at who they find friendly or enjoy playing with.

I dont care at all that they are talking behind my back, but on the other hand, i am getting punished for calling someone retarded. Whilst they are saying whatever they want about me. Makes it a bit unfair as i am not allowed to say what my opinion is about them.
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Last Edit: 3 years 11 months ago by rroobbiinn10xx.
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@Deathrun staff 3 years 11 months ago #1327740

Hellsdevil wrote:
Nogtog wrote:
deathrun steadily got more popular because the revine crew came back

woah bro revines crew? My crew!!

Regardless I share the opinion of Rule on this, staff members talking to eachother in their own friendsgroup isn't really a problem. It's actually rather good as we train people to work as a team, and that's easier accomplished if you are familiar with the people you work with. I don't think it's impossible to involve yourself in these groups either as a user, seeing as it's something Seggs managed to pull off.

Ontop of that, if you need to speak with staff members privately you can do so by messaging them, or if you need a lead team member you can just contact one.

L3mon wrote:
Like a great mind once asked that "Why do we have to take these small punishments into forums when it could just be talked over"

This is rather simple. Arguing about punishments on the server, especially when there's generally two groups of people, the people supporting the punishment (staff) vs people not supporting it (the player & friends of the player) can be quite annoying to deal with especially if you're not involved whatsoever.

Arguing about it usually just escalates the situation and it makes worse which is why you're encouraged to take it to the forums. By taking it to the forums, even without proof it effectively descalates the situation on the server and it will be much more civil and also easier to deal with. It's generally better to have the discussion on the forums if you actually want to accomplish anything.

Rule wrote:
I mean, I don't see any problem with staff talking in teamspeak privately, we work with these people to help the server so its completely normal that we form friend groups among them. At the end of the day we are only human too

This is true, however this also brings up another can of worms. I'm not calling people out but I've seen some staff members accepted for staff and promoted when they are no way near ready, which can only be explained by bias. I've seen it first hand and I'm not the only one to have noticed it. I've had conversations about it with some staff members and some users, which has supported my view that there's a bias problem amongst the close-knit staff team we have, which is detrimental for the staff team and the server as a whole.

jam wrote:
from what I've seen as an outsider it always looks like two different rules for staff and users which is directly related to the friend group nogtog was talking about, no offense to Stephen but when he said he wanted to kill himself whenever a certain user joined nothing happened to him but when a user swore in chat (to thier friend who said they didn't mind) they were muted and the appeal was denied

There is some truth to this, the group in particular seems to lack consistency with their punishments and they also seemingly punish for similiar things which they engage in themselves, such as talking massive shit to users behind their backs, and sometimes even doing them the honor of saying it straight to their face.

On one occasion I brought it up infront of the people doing this, they were constantly calling one user a bitch, a cunt and more and I was growing tired of seeing that behaviour from staff members, I called them out somewhat and I was accused of slander despite it literally happening one or two minutes before that, of course it kept happening as well. There were a lot of staff members in the channel, some even LT. No one bat an eye or said a word and I was seriously being called out for slander, I approached one or two users and the server owner after the event and they all pretty much backed me up. There is some serious bias within the staff team and some really lack the attitude a staff member should have. Ontop of all this, some staff members, especially one from what I've seen love to escalate situatiions which isn't good at all.

I can tell you right now that some users are being targetted and I saw it while I was Owner and I see it now as a user. If you want to know some users that have been continously targetted you can message me privately.

I don't doubt that anyone involved on either side of this is a good person, but ultimately I feel like there are some serious flaws.

MsRevine wrote:
I would love a TL;DR, but I will just say that if you feel like your appeal wasn't rightfully handled, and you feel as if you need to speak to a higher up, feel free to do so. I wasn't on yesterday at that time, so I have no idea what happened. But if you want to add me on steam its MsRevine. Im pretty busy, but if you want to talk, I'll listen and try to sort out the situation.

If you can't be bothered to even read the post I doubt you're the right person to handle it.

Also I don't mean to upset anyone or lay a beating on certain people, I'm just trying to say what I've experienced regarding all of this.

As many people here know, I have Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), so reading is a bit harder for me, and I've seen many posts regarding this problem. But for sure I would love to help as much as I can! :)
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First Seen: Jun 24, 2016 1:50 AM
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@Deathrun staff 3 years 11 months ago #1327741

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I'm very much aware of this and that's fair enough, my bad.
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Last Edit: 3 years 11 months ago by Hellsdevil.
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@Deathrun staff 3 years 11 months ago #1327742

Hellsdevil wrote:

There is some truth to this, the group in particular seems to lack consistency with their punishments and they also seemingly punish for similiar things which they engage in themselves, such as talking massive shit to users behind their backs, and sometimes even doing them the honor of saying it straight to their face.
Completely agree with this part, and it's something that's lead to me not join in the TS as much because the way they judged a user as soon as they joined was awful, and it's something I hope to fix now that I got a LT role. I completely agreed with when you brought it up in front of them, I can't recall if I spoke up at the time or not but if I didn't I apologise.

I messed up the quoting and can't find the part where you said about people getting promotions despite not being ready.
But once again this is another point that I can't help but agree with, I recall a DR meeting a few weeks ago where I spoke out about different people and how they weren't ready because of rule breaking/ misuse of commands but that all just got looked over. And in my eyes lead to a few questionable decisions.

And as for the interaction with users, I try my best to communicate with the users, for me prior to yesterday I personally feel as though I was on good terms with the majority of the users and had no bad blood with any of them, however after some things were said yesterday, that has changed. (They know who they are, you can discuss it with me if you want and resolve it, up to you)

(This part isn't really important I'm just backing up the point)
Hellsdevil wrote:
This is rather simple. Arguing about punishments on the server, especially when there's generally two groups of people, the people supporting the punishment (staff) vs people not supporting it (the player & friends of the player) can be quite annoying to deal with especially if you're not involved whatsoever.

Finally, about this discussion about rule breaking, where you mentioned how it will just be staff vs the user and their friends, this is very much the case with the whole situation, for example yesterday when arguing about the delaying rule (granted I played very little part in that) but also the misusage of RTD to exploit through the map and skip several traps (probably the only person that was on who spoke about this) When trying to explain the rule (which has already been explained several times) I just got told "you're wrong" "what's the point" "not capable as sa" extra extra.
So to the users, if you want to discuss the rule feel free to DM me about it, but just saying stupid comments as stated above, won't resolve the issue in anyway.
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@Deathrun staff 3 years 11 months ago #1327746

StephenSka wrote:
but also the misusage of RTD to exploit through the map and skip several traps

So if this really is against the rules, atleast change the rules since the exploiting rules states the following:
Exploiting unintentional map faults to benefit yourself or others is prohibited. You're allowed to use intentional map features to avoid 1 trap but avoiding 2 or more traps in a single motion/feature is not allowed.

RTD is not an "unintentional map" fault its a server implemented addon. Either remove the RTD features, or change the rules?
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@Deathrun staff 3 years 11 months ago #1327747

StephenSka wrote:
Hellsdevil wrote:

There is some truth to this, the group in particular seems to lack consistency with their punishments and they also seemingly punish for similiar things which they engage in themselves, such as talking massive shit to users behind their backs, and sometimes even doing them the honor of saying it straight to their face.
Completely agree with this part, and it's something that's lead to me not join in the TS as much because the way they judged a user as soon as they joined was awful, and it's something I hope to fix now that I got a LT role. I completely agreed with when you brought it up in front of them, I can't recall if I spoke up at the time or not but if I didn't I apologise.

I messed up the quoting and can't find the part where you said about people getting promotions despite not being ready.
But once again this is another point that I can't help but agree with, I recall a DR meeting a few weeks ago where I spoke out about different people and how they weren't ready because of rule breaking/ misuse of commands but that all just got looked over. And in my eyes lead to a few questionable decisions.

And as for the interaction with users, I try my best to communicate with the users, for me prior to yesterday I personally feel as though I was on good terms with the majority of the users and had no bad blood with any of them, however after some things were said yesterday, that has changed. (They know who they are, you can discuss it with me if you want and resolve it, up to you)

(This part isn't really important I'm just backing up the point)
Hellsdevil wrote:
This is rather simple. Arguing about punishments on the server, especially when there's generally two groups of people, the people supporting the punishment (staff) vs people not supporting it (the player & friends of the player) can be quite annoying to deal with especially if you're not involved whatsoever.

Finally, about this discussion about rule breaking, where you mentioned how it will just be staff vs the user and their friends, this is very much the case with the whole situation, for example yesterday when arguing about the delaying rule (granted I played very little part in that) but also the misusage of RTD to exploit through the map and skip several traps (probably the only person that was on who spoke about this) When trying to explain the rule (which has already been explained several times) I just got told "you're wrong" "what's the point" "not capable as sa" extra extra.
So to the users, if you want to discuss the rule feel free to DM me about it, but just saying stupid comments as stated above, won't resolve the issue in anyway.
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@Deathrun staff 3 years 11 months ago #1327749

rroobbiinn10xx wrote:
StephenSka wrote:
but also the misusage of RTD to exploit through the map and skip several traps

So if this really is against the rules, atleast change the rules since the exploiting rules states the following:
Exploiting unintentional map faults to benefit yourself or others is prohibited. You're allowed to use intentional map features to avoid 1 trap but avoiding 2 or more traps in a single motion/feature is not allowed.

RTD is not an "unintentional map" fault its a server implemented addon. Either remove the RTD features, or change the rules?

I'll make sure to bring it up in the rule changes, as we have discussed this with them several times.
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-Jmt's a big stinking nonce
-Donny's a registered SO
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@Deathrun staff 3 years 11 months ago #1327805

if you think a staff member has done something wrong: zarpgaming.com/index.php/forum/report-abuse
if you feel like a rule should be changed: zarpgaming.com/index.php/forum/server-issues

making posts like this without taking the correct steps to report the staff members that you feel are doing things wrong either via a report abuse on the forums or by contacting someone of the relevant rank on discord/teamspeak doesn't really accomplish anything.
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