Suggestion Title (What are you Suggesting): Remove "new" ending from Poker map
How / why would it benefit the Deathrun server: People win the map, Choose that ending. End up being slain due to broken ending or having to kill their self, Either way, a loss
Potential Issues/Exploits: N/A
Additional notes: I'm willing to help do this one
Suggestion Title (What are you Suggesting): Removing the Jukebox rules
How / why would it benefit the Deathrun server: (Unless it's being re-added) It just seems useful to remove these as they serve no use
Potential Issues/Exploits: N/A
Additional notes: N/A
Suggestion Title (What are you Suggesting): Remove/Fix exploits on Rooftops
How / why would it benefit the Deathrun server: Means it's harder or not possible to exploit on the map anymore meaning no one can skip like 5 traps
Potential Issues/Exploits: N/A
Additional notes: I'm willing to help do this one
Suggestion Title (What are you Suggesting): Adding "Ladder Exploit" to the rules page
How / why would it benefit the Deathrun server: It would just mean... More people would know about it
Potential Issues/Exploits: N/A
Additional notes: N/A
(I'm sorry I had nothing to do so I wrote a bunch of shit down)
Maybe some of these are a thing o: