Hey guys!
I hope you're all still
hyped about PERP as we are?
It has been a while since the last bit of information about PERP was given out. So.. I am here to give you some more! I am going to include Screenshots, text information and I am going to give you guys some information about the bug fixes.
So.. Lets start off with.. The bug fixes.
We have
3 open bugs left at this moment, that means we have already fixed
14 bugs with the help of our current BETA testers!
A big thank you to all!
Now, for some insights in our PERP server here are some screenshots (just taken!):
Buying and selling shops, apartments and houses
Fully functional ATM
Bad ass jobs and vehicles
Great effects.
100% Safe jail
Fully functional execution room. (Works on gas)
Great roleplay detail.. Showers! Don't drop the soap here!
We even have DCX's workplace in the game!
Overall, a lovely chaotic game to keep an eye out for.
And now for the information about BETA round 2..
As we have read from all of you after the 1st round, we have decided not to go and think of a complex plan to filter out the best of the best players without disappointing anyone. We are going fully random in this second round! We will only require the answer to: "Are you interested?" If that answer is a "Yes"? Well, good luck! You just gained the chance to join our 2nd round of BETA testing.
More information about where to apply etc. will follow soon
Our first round of BETA testing was focused on learning and keeping it small.. How can we manage the server the best as staff member? and do our players experience anything bad about this way of managing? Next to that, our main goal was to find game breaking bugs.. And let me tell you.. We did. From endless money glitches up to whole server crashes, we have had them all. And luckily, we have also almost tackled them all!
Our second round of BETA testing will be focused on user experience, how can we optimize the menu's, game functions and jobs for our players? We cannot test this.. We know how things work, and we need fresh players to find out how they think the game should run, and how we should fill in the details. We cannot continue with just a handful of players for this.. So we are upgrading the places for the second round to
20. That is right!
20 additional players will be granted access to the PERP beta testing server in the 2nd round.
Well, for now.. That is all the information we are going to release. Have a great day, and I hope to see many of you help us out soon!