Nate wrote:
Really great idea, I always hoped for something like this but didn't even know how you would go about doing it but this is a good start. Was just playing for a bit there, kind of broken for a lot of maps. I see that freerun has a lot of traps taken out which makes some maps unplayable as you will just fall into water attempting an impossible jump or something and have to restart I think it needs some more testing which I would gladly spend some time helping with.
Just a few examples Prison Break was completely unplayable because of random parts of the map missing, Also on Ice World if you're a bit behind and you start after the green gas has started you will be killed if you run into it.
I think if you could separate the traps for the actual players to the free run it would work really well but that would probably be very complicated.
Good update though glad to see work being done on Deathrun

I appreciate your freeback

Freemode aims to completely seperate Free-runners from the normal round structure and traps and stuff, yes.
I'm sorry to hear about your encounters with what sounds to me like one of the rare game breaking bugs i'm searching for. Normally, you should be able to complete every map (reach the end zone) without falling through props that are supposed to be solid or being blocked by props that are invisible.
I've fixed the green gas thing on iceworld you mentioned. As well as a broken end minigame on hot_desert, today.
If you find more issues, you can help bring attention to them here. Gonna be looking at more issues in these coming weeks.
Getting freemode to work perfectly is quite difficult given the circumstances. There are some quirks with the
source engine that makes some things unavoidable, all I can do is pick maps that don't feature those things as much, and hope it's not too annoying to deal with for the players.