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Changes to the ZARP Discord bot We have just released an update to the ZARP Discord bot! Amongst these changes are some fixes along with some improvements and updates to existing commands. In this update, we have moved away from prefixed commands (?command) and are now using interactions (/command) for commands, an example being ?eco <item> will now be /eco <item>. One of the main reasons for this change is due to the features that come alongside using interactions over prefixed commands, and the main feature being autocompleted! Now when using the economy commands, it will now autocomplete based on what you have typed which will help you find an item easier, without the need of asking someone or looking it up in the game. We have also added a pointshop economy command (/pseco)! We have also updated the roles command, it will now support all pointshop servers, and use your discord connection to your forum profile now, instead of your SSRP discord connection! The rapsheet command has also been updated, to support all pointshop servers! A new assignroles command has been added for lead team members of all servers! Lead team will now be able to assign and remove staff roles for the server they are lead team on, without the need of waiting for a discord head administrator to be available to assign roles. If there are any issues found after this update, please make a bug report on the forums and we will fix the issue as soon as we can! |
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