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TOPIC: SSRP Update Teaser & My Resignation

SSRP Update Teaser & My Resignation 1 year 2 months ago #1409056

  • SSRP Update Teaser & My Resignation

I just wanted to cover a couple of things, mostly my resignation but more excitingly a teaser for the next major SSRP update. Which I will start with as I think that's probably the appropriate thing for me to do, followed by my resignation. Due to the nature of the update and what we have come up with it's likely that the resignation will be the bulk of this thread, so just be prepared for that.
  • The Next Major SSRP Update

At the beginning of this month I had a bit of a brainwave for the next potential SSRP update, this potential seems to now be a done deal with the rest of the Community Team seemingly being on board with the idea. Whilst I don't want to giveaway the premise, I will say that this hasn't been done on ZARP before and I am really excited to see the response for it.

My work on the update is going to be mostly map based from this point, however I have laid out the framework for the other guys to go from.destroy the broadcastGencorp will be making a return in a big way for this update and will be seeking to make a major product announcement soon.don't let them do itI simply cannot and will not release any details for the non-map related side of the update as it conflicts with our plans for release.they can't be trusted

Here's some early development screenshots of Gencorp so far, I am hopeful that this plays as big a part of the update that I would like and I am confident we will see so.

  • My Resignation

This might seem sudden and out of the blue for some people, for myself that is not the case and I have pondered the decision for about a month at this stage and have made sure to give it much consideration and thought.

Despite learning how to map and having made great progress in that area. I am simply just losing interest in playing Garry’s Mod as a whole and although I found the management and development side to be a fun new venture and a completely different side of things, it hasn’t been enough to keep me engaged in all the other important aspects of the community and being a community manager.

Some people might have noticed as of late that my attitude towards the people I am supposed to not only help but act as a role model for could be at times rude and disrespectful. Whilst this mostly stemmed from people simply not listening to what I percieved to be simply to understand matters, I found the behavior was exacerbated by lack of interest and therefore care for the participants involved in the specific situations, take the most recent Surf incident as an example. I am not willing to continue to tarnish the reputation of the community team by engaging in these arguments as a way of trying to give myself something to interest myself in.

I have given the Community Team a notice of three weeks and had shared this decision with them on the 8th May 2023, meaning I will officially be finished with either the release of the planned update or the 29th May 2023.

I am extremely lucky to have had the opportunity to be a part of the team behind the best community in gaming, I have made many friends and achieved many things in my time in the community team. I don't intend on vanishing from the community just yet, though I will not be taking any more steps into a staff position or any prominent role for that matter.

I want to thank Chute, EMP and Martin in particular for their guidance and for helping me get the step up I needed when I unexpectedly became a lone community manager after we lost Joshua.

Chute, you have always been a great friend and your banter keeps everything fresh, reminding everyone that although we might take things slightly more seriously than other communities, it is only a game for fun at the end of the day.

EMP has always been a great help, despite not being able to get his annual activity requirement of 10 minutes.

Martin gets a lot of undeserved shit and I’ve always hated to see it, as I know from experience that he is an extremely hard working character and is one of the best, most dedicated community owners ZARP has had for a long while.

I want to wish the very best to both Onion and CEO, you guys have done an outstanding job this far and you should keep that energy. I personally believe that the community hasn’t seen such drive from the Community Team in years before this, which should motivate you to continue what you are doing.

I am sorry I haven't been able to fulfill the full year that was expected of me, although I have been staffing this community on and off for the 10 years I have been a part of it. I had tried to tell myself to hold on for the extra month or two that I had left but I don’t think that is a smart idea if I am not motivated to actually do the tasks required.

I want to once again thank ZARP for the opportunities it has given me and look forward to seeing what the future holds for it.
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The following user(s) said Thank You: EMP, Chuteuk, OnionRings, Clarky, Jawson and 15 more...

SSRP Update Teaser & My Resignation 1 year 2 months ago #1409057

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The following user(s) said Thank You: JoshuaIsGreat

SSRP Update Teaser & My Resignation 1 year 2 months ago #1409058

It was fantastic working alongside you on projects for SSRP like the achievements system, you will be missed :( Thanks for everything Nafe :pray:
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The following user(s) said Thank You: Nafe, JoshuaIsGreat

SSRP Update Teaser & My Resignation 1 year 2 months ago #1409059

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SSRP Update Teaser & My Resignation 1 year 2 months ago #1409060

Thank you Nafe, Your contributions will not be forgotten.
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SSRP Update Teaser & My Resignation 1 year 2 months ago #1409061

Thank you for all your hard work Nafe, I don't think you having disagreements/arguing tarnished the cm teams reputation. If anything, the community is almost always more trusting and happy with the lead team when you are around. You have always maintained high integrity and most people understand that. Out of every CM team member (outside of Raeker) you should be the least worried when it comes to leaving on a bad foot.

Thank you Nafe, take care.
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Jay House number 1 as always
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SSRP Update Teaser & My Resignation 1 year 2 months ago #1409062

Good luck with sales
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SSRP Update Teaser & My Resignation 1 year 2 months ago #1409063

POG gencorp recycler is finally teased !!!

good bye nafe thx for ur zarp time ! :pray: :clap:
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SSRP Update Teaser & My Resignation 1 year 2 months ago #1409064

Finally going to onlyfans i see, now i can see you shake that fat ass :pray:
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SSRP Update Teaser & My Resignation 1 year 2 months ago #1409065

iFreshFruit wrote:
Finally going to onlyfans i see, now i can see you shake that fat ass :pray:
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The following user(s) said Thank You: OnionRings, Salted Wine, Smol, iFreshFruit, CEO of Business

SSRP Update Teaser & My Resignation 1 year 2 months ago #1409066

Nafe, embodiment of a great guy

Miss you already :pray:
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SSRP Update Teaser & My Resignation 1 year 2 months ago #1409068

Well this sure did come as a surprise.

You've certainly did an amazing job as Community Manager and I'm glad I got to work with you the past few months on mapping related things as well as guiding you through the hellhole that is Hammer. I think there's no need whatsoever to apologize for any sort of behaviour issues as managing the CM role tends to be quite stressful, more than people actually realize. Even though you didn't stay for a whole year, that does not outweight all the hard work and time you've put into ZARP - So no need to apologize for that either.

It was no mistake voting "Yes" on your application back in 2022, I certainly don't regret doing so.

Rest assured, you were one of the better CMs ;)
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Last Edit: 1 year 2 months ago by Mr. Richard.
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The following user(s) said Thank You: Nafe

SSRP Update Teaser & My Resignation 1 year 2 months ago #1409069

You’ve been a solid CM in my eyes, yes whilst there may be things we haven’t seen eye-to-eye on and despite incidents that occur, what matters is that you stuck around and rectified issues you and the community come across which is inevitable to happen - but that just shows true care and dedication into bringing the community into a much better place than ever before.

I am incredibly grateful to also have you by my side in the map development, without you, the workload would be too much for myself to handle within deadlines. Introducing you to Hammer and teaching a lot of the basics on how to utilise the software is something I am really proud of to see considering the hard work you’ve shown on this thread, you’ve also been a great helping hand to myself too when I am unsure of something and have always shown willingness to help me, so a huge thank you for that, it really means a lot and I’ll miss having you around in that aspect.

We’ll stay in touch of course and I hope the best for you in your future endeavours, you deserve a lot for the passion you’ve held in ZARP. I won’t forget our mega basing session we held in 2017, that was a really fun and interesting time. There’s so much more to say but I’ll cut it short;

big ups Gamersfunhouse
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SSRP Update Teaser & My Resignation 1 year 2 months ago #1409070

so sad to see you go.i’ll make sure to do a good job since i will be taking your spot
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SSRP Update Teaser & My Resignation 1 year 2 months ago #1409071

gencorp looks amazing, love all the riverden additions.
bye nafe, have a zarp-free life
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SSRP Update Teaser & My Resignation 1 year 2 months ago #1409072

yisyas wrote:
gencorp looks amazing, love all the riverden additions.
bye nafe, have a zarp-free life

only the bank is from Riverden

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SSRP Update Teaser & My Resignation 1 year 2 months ago #1409073

Potentially one of the best CMs of all time!

I hope the best for you at whatever you plan to do next. Thanks for everything Nafe! :pray:
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SSRP Update Teaser & My Resignation 1 year 2 months ago #1409074

gamersfunhouse can now return
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SSRP Update Teaser & My Resignation 1 year 2 months ago #1409076

I, too, hate speaking to half of the members of the community, so I see no issue with your attitude! Thanks for your service.
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SSRP Update Teaser & My Resignation 1 year 2 months ago #1409077

Simply non-replaceable.

Good luck with all of your next endeavors. Your expertise and success in your field is eminent and i'm sure that your respectable and unbiased approach to everything will help you reach new heights and won't dissapoint.

I'm looking forward into working alongside you again one day. :clap: :clap: :pray:
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