It's that time again!, We are looking to be adding new content into the pointshop in preparation for the easter update, We highly encourage everyone to suggest cosmetics on this thread. If an attendee likes your suggestion, they can bring it up in the meeting and get it voted on!
Make sure to provide a link to the Steam Workshop page of any cosmetics you suggest on here!
Below are the following categories that we are looking for

10 New Player Models

10 New Backwear

10 New Headwear

10 New Trails

10 New Auras

10 New Taunts

3-4 New Pets
We will be reviewing everyone's suggestions in the next Server Owners Meeting on Sunday 2nd. So make sure that you post before then otherwise we may not vote on it. as always all items are subject to voting and also testing, meaning it may be accepted, but if it can't be added, it'll not be added.
Any questions send me or the community team a message, we will be happy to assist