MadMagic wrote:
Mr. Richard wrote:
MadMagic wrote:
great idea to revert things back when the people that actually played wanted it to be chaneged and liked the change alot more
What change(s) are you referring to?
eg the end round screen, alot of people complained about it how it fills up the entire screen and closes your chat and gets rid of what you were typing.
The end-round screen was unfinished, untidy, hard-to-read, and impractical. We've given suggestions on how to improve it yet none of it was applied to the project before it was deployed on the server - The old menu was brought back due to the aforementioned reasons, as well as the fact that we have plans to update this feature soon that will cover and fully patch its previous flaws.
MadMagic wrote:
People wanted the level up sound changed because it gets anoying after a while, especially if someone levels up in the middle of the round because it was quite long of a song
How is this 21-second sound clip shorter than this 6-second one? The old "The best, around!" sound clip when you level up is an iconic tune that has been part of all of Pointshop for many many years and needed no change whatsoever - The new tune was horrible, too long and especially "ear-rapy" (generally and compared to the previous one) and we've unanimously agreed that it needs to go. (you shouldn't have forced this onto other people just because you love techno or whatever this genre is)