jack bushross wrote:
Although the rework of the UI looks okay, I will be supporting the other people with this one. It just looks like you have gone onto a darkRP server and stolen there ideas(NOT SAYING YOU HAVE). But from a player POV you guys are working on the complete wrong stuff to make the server active again. You are avoiding the reasons why the server/community has died. I for one loved zarp along with many people but there is nothing to keep you there. And if you are starting as a new player there is fuck all to do unless you want to spend 100's of hours. From mining to raiding the casino vault you gain basically nothing. Zarp was popular because how 1 of a kind it was, and how different it was to other servers. what you see when you play now
1, A huge map that you cant find anything
2, 100's if not 1000's of items
3, to get a single case you have to grind 100's of hours on one thing.
4, to lvl up as a cop you have to spend 100's of hours afking
5, to spin the wheel- you have to spend 100's of hours mining gems.
Zarp has turned into a fucking facebook minigame.