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Sometimes when we update our content Garry's Mod can take a while to catch up. If you see missing pink/black textures or receive a "Missing content message ". Follow these steps to fix it:
Missing Content: 1) Unsubscribe from the CHRISTMAS PART 2 CONTENT pack (The Halloween Update content is in this pack): steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1939027783 2) Run this command in console: menu_cleanupgmas 4) Delete all files in garrysmod/downloads/server/ 3) Restart the game and re-connect to the server the updated content will be downloaded automatically. Missing Map: If the map doesn't download automaticallty, first ensure downloads are enabled and then restart your game: 1) Go to the Options menu in game 2) Multiplayer tab 3) Select the "Allow all custom files from server" and press OK If you STILL have issues after trying this download the new map file manually here: fastdl.friendlyplayers.com/emp/maps/rp_downtown_zarp_v5.bsp.bz2 extract it, and then place the rp_downtown_zarp_v5.bsp file into your garrysmod/maps/ folder. Enjoy! |
Last Edit: 4 years 3 months ago by Chuteuk.
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