We have decided to accept 0/0 Moderator(s) in this week's meeting.
We have decided to accept 0/0 Administrator(s) in this week's meeting.
We have accepted
0 Super Administrator(s) in the Super Admin Meeting .
We have accepted
0 Head Administrator(s) in the Head Admin Meeting.
We have also have spoken to and given out official warnings/demotions to some staff members.
★ Suggestions ★
We've discussed some changes and suggestions during this week's meeting, you can expect some cool changes soon!
2.5 - Door Blocking
Do not spam open / close doors in order to trap people into areas / rooms.
2.5 - Door Blocking
Doors should be accessible at all times, any behaviour that prevents a door from being passed through is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to: spamming the door to repeatedly open/close it or blocking doors with your body or large props.
A huge thanks to all the staff who have been helping manage the server this week and dealing with everything in-game and out of game. A special thank you to those who attended this meeting helping us to choose our next staff members, look over suggestions, etc.