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TOPIC: [TTT] Changelog

[TTT] Changelog 3 years 2 months ago #1373023

Today, we have released a small update for TTT, here are the changes:

[ADDED] New Shoutvote music for the hoilday season.

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Last Edit: 3 years 2 months ago by Mr. Richard.
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[TTT] Changelog 3 years 2 months ago #1373529

Today, we have released the second part of the Winter 2021 Update, here is what has changed:

New Features:

[ADDED] Jet Pack - Purchasable via both T and D menus. A flying device used to quick and easy transportation across the map!
[ADDED] Holy Hand Grenade - A highly explosive holy water grenade!
[ADDED] Minifier - Active this item to become smaller and faster, but more vulnerable!
[ADDED] Nyan Cat Gun - A meme gun which deals 1HP per hit and plays the Nyan Cat music! Purchasable via Traitor and Detective menus.
[ADDED] Turret - Deploy a turret and watch any enemy who steps in its range get shredded into small pieces. Purchasable via T-Menu.
[ADDED] Prop Disguiser - Use this item to turn into any prop on the map and disguise yourself from your enemies should you be in imminent danger. Purchasable via T-Menu.
[ADDED] Flying Pigeon Bomb - Summon a regular pigeon which will lock and follow the closest person to approach it - Upon contact it detonates. Purchasable via T-Menu.
[ADDED] Teleport Gun - A useful little pistol which teleports you to wherever you shoot it, 20 seconds delay. Purchasable via T-Menu and D-Menu.
[ADDED] Destructible Doors - HL2 doors across certain maps are now destructible, after they sustain a certain amount of damage, they will detach and fall down.
[ADDED] Paper Plane - A plane which upon deployment locks onto the nearest Terrorist in its vicinity (excluding Traitors), follows them and explodes upon touch. Purchasable via T-Menu.

[ADDED] Random Tester:
  • Random Tester - A one-time use Detective item, when activated it will randomly test one terrorist who’s currently alive on the map and will tell the whole server whether they are innocent or not.
  • Fake Tester - A one-time use Traitor item, when activated, after a certain amount of time, it will call out a random innocent terrorist for being a traitor.

[ADDED] Dart Gun:
  • Muteness - Mute your players for a specific amount of time, during which they will be unable to use their microphone or chat to communicate.
  • Blindness - Blind your players for a specific amount of time and watch them roam the map cluelessly.
  • Poison – Poison your players for a specific amount of time, they will slowly take damage.

[ADDED] Double Jump - You are now able to double-jump should you press space twice in quick succession.
[ADDED] Handcuffs - Detectives can now handcuff other terrorists, after which they will drop their weapons and remain handcuffed for 30 seconds.
[ADDED] Pop-Up Gun - A funny meme gun which deals low damage but shops pop-up’s on the screen of the player which was shot. Purchasable via T-Menu.
[ADDED] Malfunctioning Gun - A Traitor weapon used to shoot player, who will then equip a random weapon in their inventory and start shooting uncontrollably. Purchasable via T-Menu.
[ADDED] Matter Bomb - A bomb which summons a black hole and sucks anyone who’s in its vicinity into it. Purchasable via T-Menu.
[ADDED] Harpoon – The harpoon has finally returned to our server! Traitors can buy a throwable harpoon which can be used to kill players.
[ADDED] Scoreboard Tagging – When using key binds for ttt_radio, the scoreboard will now automatically update and tag the player as a traitor, innocent or suspicious.
[ADDED] M4 SLAM – A mine which can be manually detonated or stuck onto a wall and used as a trip mine. This item can also be destroyed by shooting it, causing it to explode. Purchasable via T-Menu.

[ADDED] Randomat – Similar to power rounds, the randomat will run a random event every so often. We currently have 126 of them.

List of all Power Rounds [ Click to expand ]

[ADDED] Custom Roles – 20 new roles have been added to the server, thanks to TheXnator for his hard work on this!

List of all Custom Roles [ Click to expand ]


[FIXED] The traitor chance shown in the F1 menu has been fixed, it will now give the correct number instead of always showing "50".
[FIXED] RTV Map images for newly added maps from our first part of the TTT Winter Update (might take a bit to get approved and sync).


[CHANGED] Double XP event has been enabled.
[CHANGED] The buy menu has now been updated, it is now much easier to navigate!
[CHANGED] The HUD has been updated.
[CHANGED] Death messages have been updated, they will now say what role the player was.
[CHANGED] The sprint key is now shift, double tapping W will no longer work.
[CHANGED] The traitor voice chat has been rebound to your "Suit Zoon" keybind in settings > keybinds, to solve conflicting keys.
[CHANGED] Our damage logs system has been updated, you will now be able to see much more detailed logs in the F8 menu, you will also be able to see reports you have created, if someone had DNA on you when you were killed etc.

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The following user(s) said Thank You: Mr. Richard, Red.

[TTT] Changelog 3 years 3 weeks ago #1377230

Today, we have released a patch to fix and add a few features, here is what has changed:

New Features/Maps:

[ADDED] New command: !roleinfo - Opens the role information thread.
[ADDED] ttt_67thway_v14


[FIXED] Damagelogs RDM popup will no longer show up when its not supposed to. Damagelogs now completely supports the custom roles system.
[FIXED] Several client and serverside issues have been fixed, please report any client side errors to us via the forums if they are spotted!


[CHANGED] Christmas shoutvote music has been removed.
[CHANGED] The rapsheet will now automatically open up on your own rapsheet, and will only list player's who's rapsheet you can view.
[CHANGED] We are slowly updating the HUD to a more modern look, some aspects of the HUD have been cleaned up and changed.
[CHANGED] The randomat will now print the current event into the chat.


[REMOVED] ttt_thematrix
[REMOVED] ttt_67thway_rework_b1_zarp

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Last Edit: 3 years 3 weeks ago by Callum..
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The following user(s) said Thank You: TheXnator, Mr. Richard

[TTT] Changelog 2 years 10 months ago #1382408

Today, we have released an update to fix and add a few features, here is what has changed:

[FIXED] The !tutorial command has been fixed, giving access to extra settings and the game mode tutorial.
[FIXED] Player's will no longer have multiple crosshairs.
[FIXED] The voice chat section in the top left has been fixed.
[FIXED] The objectives leaderboard has been fixed.
[FIXED] The poison dart rifle no longer carries its affect onto the next round.

[CHANGED] When you die, you are no longer forced to spectate your ragdoll for a few seconds.
[CHANGED] You can now toggle double jump in the settings page.
[CHANGED] You can now reset your crosshair inside the !crosshair customization menu.
[CHANGED] The message sent when a player has gone AFK has been updated.
[CHANGED] At the start of the round, a message will be put in chat saying how many innocents, detectives and traitors there is.
[CHANGED] The shoutvote music has been updated.
[CHANGED] The homing pigeon damage has been reduced from 300 to 200.
[CHANGED] The leaderboard and idle popup have has some HUD changes.

[REMOVED] The following roles have been disabled: Clown, Beggar, Parasite, Impersonator, Hypnotist, Drunk, Doctor, Revenger, Mercenary, Veteran, Glitch and Paramedic.
[REMOVED] ttt_matrix
[REMOVED] ttt_rooftops_lost_zarp

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[TTT] Changelog 2 years 10 months ago #1382488

Today, we have released an update to add a few maps, below is a list of all changes!

New Maps
[ADDED] ttt_67thway_zarp_2022
[ADDED] ttt_district
[ADDED] ttt_hydropower_a2

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Last Edit: 2 years 9 months ago by Callum..
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[TTT] Changelog 2 years 9 months ago #1383581

Today, we have released an update to make a few changes, fix bugs and add new stuff, below is a list of all changes!

[ADDED] The !content command has been readded.
[ADDED] Information about your given role will now be posted clearly in chat.
[ADDED] Ability to search through available ULX commands.
[ADDED] Score, deaths and kills now show on the leaderboard.
[ADDED] You can now vote for a randomat (power round) for the following round, just type !pr or !randomat and your vote will be counted.

[FIXED] Roles such as jester and swapper will no longer be selected unless there is a minimum of 4 players.
[FIXED] The 'Call Detective' button on bodies has been fixed.
[FIXED] Fixed some scaling issues on the scoreboard.
[FIXED] Fixed several roles not having the correct buy menu items. For example, the assassin would only have a radar, armor and disguise, now it has access to all traitor weapons.
[FIXED] Traitor rooms and testers are no longer broken on certain maps!

[CHANGED] The body search panel has been updated, the buttons and panel have been improved. Detectives will have an extra tab which gives a full overview of the death.
[CHANGED] Due to the new randomat vote command, we have reduced the chance of an automatic randomat to 15%.

[REMOVED] The prop damage addon has been temporarily removed.

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[TTT] Changelog 2 years 8 months ago #1387412

Today, we have released an update to make a few changes, fix bugs and add new stuff, below is a list of all changes!

[ADDED] Gravity Grenade – A grenade used to remove everyones gravity and temporarily convert them to a ragdoll.
[ADDED] Door Buster - Can be placed on a door, when the door is opened it blows the door into the person's face, killing them.
[ADDED] You can now copy a map name and add/remove favorites from the shoutvote nominate menu. Right click on any map while this menu is open to access these options!
[ADDED] You can now toggle damage received from possessed props! Press F4 and click the settings icon located at the top right to access settings! If you have damage disabled, you cannot possess a prop yourself. Enabling it after you die will not work, don't bother trying :P

[FIXED] When spectating a player, their steam id is now shown under their name.
[FIXED] Several broken weapon models have been fixed.
[FIXED] The tranquilizer will no longer kill the player if the corpse is picked up and thrown. Their health will go down until it reaches 25.
[FIXED] Fixed an issue causing players to crash if someone has a non utf8 character in their name.
[FIXED] Various other smaller bug fixes, fixed errors etc.
[FIXED] A range of major optimisations in the gamemode.

[CHANGED] The scoreboard will now show the current map.
[CHANGED] Maximum sprint duration has been doubled.
[CHANGED] You can now copy a player's name by right clicking them on the scoreboard and selecting "Copy Name".
[CHANGED] Assassins will now see their target on the scoreboard.
[CHANGED] The shoutvote menu has been updated, there are new colors being used, some nice rounded corners and a clearer countdown timer during votes!
[CHANGED] When a possessed prop kills you, it will now tell you who was possessing the prop and add it to the damage logs.
[CHANGED] The chances of a jester role being selected has been reduced to 5% (from 50%).

Weapon Changes:
New weapon - SCAR-H MK.20 - Can be found spawning around map's for the first few weeks, if interest is shown we will add more weapons from the weapon pack and add some new unlocks!

Map Changes:
[ADDED] ttt_casino_b2
[ADDED] ttt_goldenplixprison_v3_zarp
[REMOVED] ttt_canvas_r241
[REMOVED] ttt_hydropower_a2

[REMOVED] Popup Gun
[REMOVED] Random Tester

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Last Edit: 2 years 8 months ago by Callum..
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The following user(s) said Thank You: chiki

[TTT] Changelog 2 years 6 months ago #1391891

Today, we have released an update to make a few changes, fix bugs and add new stuff, below is a list of all changes!


[ADDED] Revenger Role
[ADDED] You can now pick up or swap to a weapon on the floor by pressing 'e'

[REMOVED] The Briefcase
[REMOVED] Myatrophie Gun
[REMOVED] Portable Force Field
[REMOVED] Old Man Role
[REMOVED] Double Jump

[FIXED] Golden Deagle Now works as intended
[FIXED] Intervention no longer floats on drop
[FIXED] Many smaller bug fixes and optimisations here and there


[CHANGED] The randomat has had a few QoL improvements including better randomization, an event history so recent events do not happen over and over and more.
[CHANGED] Detectives can no longer buy the Door Buster
[CHANGED] Pigeon now deals reduced damage to players around its original target
[CHANGED] A Second Chance now starts a 10-15% chance of revival and is increased by 4-6% percent per kill, upto 35%
[CHANGED] A settings tab has been added to the equipment shop, you can change the number of rows, columns, icon sizes and enable/disable some extra information being shown on items such as the slot they use or if it marked as favourite etc.
Power Round Changes: [ Click to expand ]

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[TTT] Changelog 2 years 4 months ago #1396765

Today, we have released an update to make a few changes, fix bugs and add new stuff, below is a list of all changes!


[ADDED] ttt_minecraftcity_v4_dark

[REMOVED] Handcuffs
[REMOVED] Door Locker
[REMOVED] Homing Pidgeon
[REMOVED] ttt_minecraft_b6
[REMOVED] ttt_skyscraper_2015_v1p_f4

[FIXED] The setting to disabled damage from possessed props has been fixed!
[FIXED] The prop disguiser no longer resets your health to 100 when undisguising


[CHANGED] Jetpacks now have fuel
[CHANGED] Lowered speed of possessed props
[CHANGED] Lowered rounds per map from 12 to 10
[CHANGED] A message is now shown to jesters when they are killed telling them how much diamonds and xp they received
[CHANGED] Changed percentage of votes required to RTV from 66% to 60%
[CHANGED] The red matter bomb has a reduced radius, reduced damage and lowered time from 10 to 5 seconds
[CHANGED] Turrets will now take more damage and can be destroyed quicker
[CHANGED] The Golden Deagle now costs 2 credits

Thanks to Vodka4Gaben and Sara for helping with testing!

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[TTT] Changelog 2 years 3 months ago #1397656

Today 28/11/2022, we released an update for TTT containing the following changes:

Weapon Balancing:

[Added] - M9K Desert Eagle

[Removed] - CS:S Deagle

[Buff] - FN P90
❖ Fire rate increased to 0.0885
❖ Spread decreased to 0.9

[Buff] - G3
❖ Accuracy increased to 0.004

[Buff] - MP-40
❖ Fire rate increased to 0.135

[Buff] - MP7
❖ Fire rate increased to 0.095
❖ Spread decreased to 0.0185
❖ Recoil reduced to 1.2
❖ Clip Size reduced to 25 from 30

[Buff] - Pancor Jackhammer
❖ Spread decreased to 0.105

[Adjusted] - UMP-45
❖ Fire rate increased to 0.1125
❖ Clip Size increased to 25 from 20
❖ Damage decreased to 16
❖ Headshot Multiplier increased to x2.0 from x1.5
❖ Spread decreased to 0.22

[Adjusted] - Mossberg 590
❖ Fire rate increased to 1.0
❖ Number of Pellets per shot increased to 10 from 9
❖ Damage per Pellet decreased from 8 to 7
❖ Clip Size increased to 8 from 6
❖ Spread decreased to 0.64

[Adjusted] - Remington 870
❖ Number of Pellets per shot increased to 9 from 7
❖ Clip Size decreased to 6 from 8
❖ Fire rate decreased to 1.2

[Adjusted] - Executioner
❖ Spread decreased to 0.12
❖ Fire rate increased to 0.37

[Nerf] - Thompson (Tommy Gun)
❖ Clip Size decreased to 45 from 60
❖ Headshot Multiplier reduced to x1.34 from x2.0

Thanks to Darling, Nepgear, Rule and Sir Kribban for helping out with testing!

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Last Edit: 2 years 3 months ago by Vodka4Gaben.
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The following user(s) said Thank You: Nafe, Rule, Darling, Sir Kribban, Nogtog

[TTT] Changelog 2 years 3 months ago #1397696

Today 29/11/2022, we released an update for TTT containing the following changes:

Weapon Changes:

[Removed] - Gold Deagle

[Added] - AK-47
❖ Added as unlock for Prestige 7 Level 20

[Changed] - Scar-H
❖ Moved from Prestige 2 Level 15 to Prestige 3 Level 15

[Changed] - M4A1
❖ Moved from Prestige 2 Level 9 to Prestige 1 Level 27

[Changed] - Invervention
❖ Moved from Prestige 2 Level 27 to Prestige 1 Level 39

[Changed] - Jackhammer
❖ Moved from Level 33 to Level 36

[Changed] - Tommy Gun
❖ Moved from Level 27 to Level 30
❖ The name in Unlock menu is no longer "Thompson", changed to "Tommy Gun"

[Changed] - Exectuioner
❖ Moved from Prestige 1 Level 37 to Prestige 2 Level 3

[Changed] - B23R
❖ Moved from Prestige 2 Level 1 to Prestige 1 Level 3

[Changed] - Tec-9
❖ Moved from Level 30 to Level 33

[Removed] - Tar 21

[Removed] - Luger

[Removed] - M92 Beretta

[Removed] - FN F2000

[Removed] - PP Bizon

Thanks to Darling and Nepgear for helping out with testing!

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Last Edit: 2 years 3 months ago by Vodka4Gaben.
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The following user(s) said Thank You: Nafe, Darling, Sir Kribban

[TTT] Changelog 2 years 3 months ago #1397726

Today 30/11/2022, we released an update for TTT containing the following changes:

Weapon Changes:
[REMOVED] - TFA Weapon Pack

[CHANGED] The default TTT hud has been reverted back to the custom hud from pre-2022, if you find any issues with it, please let us know!
[CHANGED] The equipment shop has also been reverted :)
[CHANGED] Boom corpse will now show as an unidentified body.
[CHANGED] Some other small changes and fixes are also in this update.

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Last Edit: 2 years 3 months ago by Callum..
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The following user(s) said Thank You: Vodka4Gaben, Darling

[TTT] Changelog 2 years 3 months ago #1397775

Today 1/12/2022, we released an mini update for TTT containing the following changes:

Weapon Changes:

[Added] - Spas-12
❖ Added as unlock for Prestige 2 Level 12

[Added] - BAR
❖ Added as unlock for Prestige 2 Level 15

[Changed] - AK-47
❖ Name changed to "AK-47 Kalashnikov"

[Changed] - Steyr Aug A3
❖ Moved from Prestige 2 Level 18 to Prestige 2 Level 9

[Changed] - Scar-H
❖ Moved from Prestige 3 Level 15 to Prestige 4 Level 3

Thanks to Darling, Clarky and Nepgear for helping out with testing!

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Last Edit: 2 years 3 months ago by Vodka4Gaben.
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The following user(s) said Thank You: TheRealNepgear, Darling, Nogtog

[TTT] Changelog 2 years 2 months ago #1398687

Today, we have released an update to make a few changes, fix bugs and add new stuff, below is a list of all changes!


[ADDED] ttt_minecraft_b5c - Christmas themed b5 map!


[CHANGED] The assassin damage boost has been reduced from 100% to 20%
[CHANGED] The delay between the assassin getting it’s next target has been reduced from 5 seconds to 0 seconds.

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Last Edit: 2 years 2 months ago by ItsDonny.
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The following user(s) said Thank You: Kanna., Vodka4Gaben

[TTT] Changelog 2 years 1 month ago #1400806

Today 26/1/2023, we released an mini update for TTT containing the following changes:


[Removed] - ttt_richlands_remix_b2_zarp

Weapon Changes:

[Changed] - Mac-10
❖ Will no longer spawn on the ground

[Changed] - Famas
❖ Will no longer spawn on the ground

[Changed] - Steyr Aug A3
❖ Changed the First Person skin to the "Neon Steyr Aug"

[Removed] - Headcrab Launcher

Thanks to Darling for helping out with testing

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Last Edit: 2 years 1 day ago by ItsDonny. Reason: BBCode typo
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The following user(s) said Thank You: Darling

[TTT] Changelog 2 years 1 month ago #1401748

Today 14/02/2023, we released an mini update for TTT containing the following changes:


[Removed] - ttt_teenroom_2022
[Removed] - ttt_goldenplixprison_v3_zarp
[Removed] - ttt_clue_2018_b7
[Removed] - ttt_aircraft_v3
[Removed] - ttt_community_pool_2017_b19.bsp

Weapon Changes:

[Changed] - Paper Plane
❖ Added HP Bar
❖ Changed HP From 200 to 120

[Changed] - Turret
❖ Added HP
❖ Added HP Bar

Traitor Shop:

[Removed] - Virus
[Removed] - Dart Gun
[Removed] - Door Buster
[Removed] - Gravity Grenade
[Removed] - Malfunction Pistol
[Removed] - Minifier
[Removed] - Red Matter Bomb
[Removed] - Vampire
[Removed] - Weapon Disabler Grenade

Thanks to Callum for helping out with testing and various fixes.

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Last Edit: 2 years 1 day ago by ItsDonny. Reason: BBCode typo
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The following user(s) said Thank You: Buffy

[TTT] Changelog 2 years 1 day ago #1403974

Today 12/03/2023, we released an mini update for TTT containing the following changes:


[Removed] - ttt_67thway_v14
[Removed] - ttt_airbus_b3_zarp
[Removed] - ttt_airship_toppat_zarp
[Removed] - ttt_cipher_zarp
[Removed] - ttt_minecraft_b7_summer
[Removed] - ttt_nuclear_power_b2_zarp
[Removed] - ttt_terrortrain_2020_b5_zarp

Traitor Shop:

[Removed] - Nyan Cat Gun
[Removed] - Boom Body
[Removed] - Prop Disguiser

Custom Roles:

- All Custom Roles

Thanks to Joshua for helping out with testing and various fixes.

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  • Darling
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Last Edit: 2 years 1 day ago by ItsDonny. Reason: BBCode typo
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The following user(s) said Thank You: Buffy, Ubarberet

[TTT] Changelog 1 year 10 months ago #1408727


We have released a update to TTT! This is our first update since myself and Sammy have taken over less than a week ago, we hope that you can come check it out and expect more from us in the future when we have more major changes ready to be rolled out. Special thanks to Callum for his coding knowledge, this update wouldn't be entirely possible without him. Here is what we have done in this patch:

Maps changes:

[ADDED] ttt_mc_jondome
[ADDED] ttt_mc_mineshaft_jpc_r1
[ADDED] ttt_mc_office
[ADDED] ttt_mc_richland
[ADDED] ttt_mc_terminal_a4_xn
[ADDED] ttt_minecraftcity_v4
[ADDED] ttt_minecraftmotel_b2u
[ADDED] ttt_nether_fix
[REMOVED] ttt_casino_b2
[REMOVED] ttt_community_bowling_v5a
[REMOVED] ttt_eclipse_v4
[REMOVED] ttt_innocentmotel_v1
[REMOVED] ttt_mc_dolls_xn
[REMOVED] ttt_minecraftcity_v4_dark
[REMOVED] ttt_waterworld_remastered_zarp_v1
[FIX] Numerous gamemode and item bug fixes
[FIX] Content & code clean-up to hopefully improve loading times
[CHANGED] Scoreboard logo again
[CHANGED] ttt_order_equipment autocorrecting for easy bindings
[ADDED] Taser for Detectives (Thanks Codabro)
[ADDED] Riot Shield for Detectives
[ADDED] Blue Bull for Detectives

[READDED] Golden Deagle for Detectives
[READDED] Bomb Station for Traitors

More items to come soon as we are currently working on more stuff to the server!

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  • Clarky
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Last Edit: 1 year 10 months ago by Clarky.
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The following user(s) said Thank You: OnionRings, Callum.

[TTT] Changelog 9 months 1 week ago #1424348

Today 01/06/2024, we released an mini update for TTT containing the following changes:


[Added] ttt_innocentmotel_v1 - link
[Added] ttt_minecraft_clue - link
[Added] ttt_waterworld_tropical - link
[Added] ttt_mc_office - link
[Added] ttt_lunar_base_v2a - link
[Added] ttt_magma_v2b - link
[Added] ttt_italy - link

[Changed] Reduce randomat/PowerRound chance from 20% to 10%
[Fix] Shoutvote/!nominate images not loading. Still need to upload images for maps that are missing one.

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  • Kanna.
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Last Edit: 9 months 1 week ago by Kanna..
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[TTT] Changelog 8 months 18 hours ago #1425453

Yesterday 12/07/2024, we released an update for TTT containing the following changes:

New unlocks:
  • [Added] - P229R | Floor Spawn
  • [Added] - M14 | Floor Spawn
  • [Added] - HK SL8 | Prestige 2 Level 2
  • [Added] - Model 500 | Prestige 2 Level 12
  • [Added] - PSG-1 | Prestige 2 Level 16
  • [Added] - Remington 1858 | Prestige 2 Level 24
  • [Added] - SVT 40 | Prestige 2 Level 33
  • [Added] - MP5-SD | Prestige 2 Level 36
  • [Added] - Glock 18 | Prestige 2 Level 39
  • [Added] - SVG Dragunov | Prestige 2 Level 40

Weapon prestige level:

B23R - Level 3 to 2
ACR - Level 6 to 4
Uzi - Level 9 to 6
Contender - Level 12 to 9
MP9 - Level 15 to 12
Mossberg - Level 18 to 15
KRISS Vector - Level 21 to 18
G3 - Level 24 to 21
M4A1 - Level 27 to 24
Tommy Gun - Level 30 to 27
Tec9 - Level 33 to 30
Jackhammer - Level 36 to 33
FN 2000 - Level 36

Prestige 2:

Executioner - Level 3 to 4
Spas-12 - Level 12 to 9
BAR - Level 15 to 14
HK UMP45 - Level 24 to 27

Prestige 3 to 7:

SCAR-H - Prestige 4 Level 3 to Prestige 3 Level 15
AN-94 - Prestige 5 Level 3 to Prestige 4 Level 1
Babushka - Prestige 7 Level 20 to Prestige 5 Level 1

[Changed] Weapon recoil
[Changed] Removed cooldown on maps
[Changed] Reduced networking on B5

[Fix] B23R stuck in air when dropped
[Fix] Missing shoutvote message
[Fix] Some errors from various addons

Found a bug? Please report it here!
  • Kanna.
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Moderators: Kanna., Joshua

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