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TOPIC: Stuck on a certain map.

Stuck on a certain map. 10 years 10 months ago #44611

Changelog XX/1X/2023:

[ADDED] Alt Account Status
[ADDED] New activity tracking UI (!activity)
[ADDED] Item O' Matic has returned as a Day Excluse, it will be active every few days, with new rewards each time
[ADDED] Categories have been added back to the inventory
[ADDED] You can now use your custom inventory layouts in your bank
[ADDED] You can now view data for previous weeks in the prize leaderboards
[ADDED] Added a leaderboard for suit rips
[ADDED] Added a leaderboard for total money printed
[ADDED] Added the Shotgun Boost character upgrade
[ADDED] Added the option to disable police weapons (This will show under the "Law Enforcement" section in the actions tab)
[ADDED] Added a new Right Click attack to Hacker Grenades/EMP Grenades and Orange Core Grenades which will result in them instantly detonating on impact instead of being delayed by 2 seconds
[ADDED] Added pages to rapsheet
[ADDED] Added new suit variations for Frenzy Deathmatch Events
[ADDED] Added new gang buffs - Increased Prop Limit (+10 Props for each gang member), Under The Radar (Cannot be targetted by the Police Helicopter)
[ADDED] Added new customizable pd loadout system, head to the Armory NPC and create your loadout!
[ADDED] Added case unbox notifications in chat, this can be toggled in settings for privacy
[ADDED] You can now enable/disable specific gang weapons
[ADDED] Added undercover menu for SA+
[ADDED] Added 9 new daily objectives
Warning: Spoiler! [ Click to expand ]

[REMOVED] Crack The Vault related stuff
[REMOVED] Zone Captures
[REMOVED] Trash Spawns for Trashman
[REMOVED] Drug cooldowns (Morphine & Rad Pill will still have a cooldown)

[CHANGE] The rare items store item list has been updated
[CHANGE] The craftables item list has been updated
[CHANGE] Added/Updated gem values for several items
[CHANGE] Added more items to the No Double Equip list
[CHANGE] Moved the bank back to the vault
[CHANGE] Gang Background/Border upgrades no longer require an upgrade token
[CHANGE] Updated the price of Gang Background/Border upgrades to reflect above change
[CHANGE] The Quantum Suit model has been changed
[CHANGE] Gang Background and Borders are now toggleable between players individually, and are no longer set globally for each member in the gang
[CHANGE] Added some more deep sea spawn points for ores and crates
[CHANGE] Bank Vault raid cooldowns have been decreased when its not Super Vault Day
[CHANGE] Dead Players can no longer spawn props
[CHANGE] Anyone can now grow crops in other peoples plant shelfs
[CHANGE] Coal can now be sold to the miner npc
[CHANGE] Changed Optimimum Case Rewards - De-Animators now gives 1 instead of 2, QEDs now gives 2 instead of 1
[CHANGE] Changed some job descriptions to no longer be map specific
[CHANGE] The minimum hit daily objective has been updated to reflect the minimum hit amount changes
[CHANGE] You can no longer like your own songs in the club studio
[CHANGE] Printers which have been placed for a prolonged time will not be eligible for refunds if the server restarts or crashes
[CHANGE] Only money collected from your printers will count towards the weekly leaderboards
[CHANGE] Turret/Combat Drone ammo will now give 5x instead of 1x ammo
[CHANGE] The same item can no longer appear in drug runs at the same time
[CHANGE] The minimap will now be hidden while doing the Transponder fault on nukes
[CHANGE] A message will now be posted in chat when admins schedule an event
[CHANGE] Increased pot limit from 10 to 15
[CHANGE] Refresh button will now always show in the gang tab
[CHANGE] Changed ammo boost amount for advanced tripmines
[CHANGE] The gang upgrades tab will now show what level you need to be to purchase an upgrade
[CHANGE] Added an icon for nuclear power plant items
[CHANGE] Knight Demon will now take 75% of current health if skill check is failed
[CHANGE] Players banned for "Cheating/Hacking" will no longer be able to connect to the server
[CHANGE] Printers are now only eligible for refunds if they have been down for less than 2 hours
[CHANGE] Printers will now only drop gang loot after being placed for longer than 5 minutes
[CHANGE] Values in the Settings tab can now be changed with input
[CHANGE] "Sale Day" will also put discounts on Drug Runs/Character Upgrades/Shop Tab
[CHANGE] All weapon boost character upgrades have been updated to work on newer weapons

[FIXED] Fixed an issue where some suit overlays such as the Hazmat suit would block some UI elements such as city events or pending reports for staff
[FIXED] Fixed an issue where the quantum suits material would not reset after the ability has run out
[FIXED] Fixed an issue where being frozen by the Ice King would remove your tac if you had one placed
[FIXED] Fixed an issue where PD raids cooldowns would not apply
[FIXED] Fixed being unable to uncloak in a nano suit while in the casino
[FIXED] Fixed the social rewards free case messaging showing if you are no longer boosting
[FIXED] Fixed the lead team command to remove dumpster positions
[FIXED] Fixed an error with the Link Gun
[FIXED] Weed and Mushrooms now count towards the leaderboards
[FIXED] Fixed a rare error caused by the City Map
[FIXED] Fixed several scaling issues across the F4 Menu, fix scaling for ultra-wide displays
[FIXED] Fixed the printer hacker 2.0/hacking device giving achievement varients of some non-achievement printers, and non achievement variants of some achievement printers.
[FIXED] Staff Kill Logs for hellgrabs and airstrikes will now say the correct inflictor, and not the attackers current selected wepaon
[FIXED] Fixed a script error that would occur when you connected if your gang had more than 2 allies
[FIXED] Fixed crafting timers in the menu not considering all speed upgrades
[FIXED] Fixed crafting missing components not being accurate
[FIXED] The entire map will no longer shake if someone is using an Inferno
[FIXED] Fixed an issue where quipping a weapon while you had the Medic Suits first aid kit selected would not select the newly equipped weapon
[FIXED] Fixed an issue where the Starter Pack button would not show if you had not completed it
[FIXED] Fixed hitboxes for GenCorp Juggernaut Suit
[FIXED] Fixed an issue where Chat Mute Locally would mute /me messages
[FIXED] Fixed Quake4 weapons having laggy viewmodels when looking left/right
[FIXED] Fixed Uranium Shotgun not resetting viewmodel materials on holster/remove
[FIXED] Fixed scanmaster display going blank when using your flashlight
[FIXED] Fixed incorrect ACS cooldown on HUD
[FIXED] Fixed Trash Collector being able to see cloaked nanos/admins
[FIXED] Fixed "Advanced Duplicator" not being able to copy individual props
[FIXED] Fixed "Back" command for staff not logging properly
[FIXED] Fixed Spectate Teleport for staff
[FIXED] Fixed an exploit involving the Nano Suit's cloak ability
  • Leslie Tiller
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Former TTT Moderator
Hot Fuzz and a cold one is a perfect night.
Last Edit: 1 year 4 months ago by Callum..
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Stuck on a certain map. 10 years 10 months ago #44617

This is a known bug however all rejoining fixes it for me.
  • Phantom2207
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Stuck on a certain map. 10 years 10 months ago #44619

I have rejoined 4 times and the map still will not change. i think it might just need a force map change or something.
  • Leslie Tiller
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Former TTT Moderator
Hot Fuzz and a cold one is a perfect night.
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Stuck on a certain map. 10 years 10 months ago #44666

I know you maybe busy with other matters, but it is still not fixed yet and I really wanted to play some TTT today.
  • Leslie Tiller
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Former TTT Moderator
Hot Fuzz and a cold one is a perfect night.
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Stuck on a certain map. 10 years 10 months ago #44667

This has been rectified, thanks for your patience.
  • Chris
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The following user(s) said Thank You: Leslie Tiller
Moderators: Kanna., Joshua

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